social timeline

  • 594 BCE

    Democracy develops in Athens, Greece

    Democracy develops in Athens, Greece
    Solon was elected to an archon position. During this time, many farmers became indebted to money lenders who charged high interest rates. Many were getting forced into slavery to pay off their debts.
  • 29 BCE

    Roman Senate gives power to octavian

    Roman Senate gives power to octavian
    hailed him as the Prince of Peace and benefactor of mankind.
  • John Locke writes Two Treaties of Government

    John Locke writes Two Treaties of Government
    they were written to justify the Glorious Revolution of 1688–89,
  • the spirit of the laws

    the spirit of the laws
    is a treatise on political theory, as well as a pioneering work in comparative law.
  • Benjamin writes about the Iroquois

    Benjamin writes about the Iroquois
    Benjamin wanted the cooperation of the Iroquois, and thought it would be an advantage for them to join the Iroquois league
  • Creation of the United States

    Creation of the United States
    The Congress had named a five-member committee to draft a declaration. They adopted a document proclaiming that the 13 American colonies, would become a nation.
  • british north american act

    british north american act
    canada becoming a country
  • first federal election to have secret ballot

    first federal election to have secret ballot
    makes voting anonymous so people would not get black mailed, or get told who to vote for.
  • lenin dies stalin take over power

    lenin dies stalin take over power
    Stalin was one of the Bolsheviks' chief operatives in the Caucasus and grew close to Lenin, who saw him as a tough character, and a loyal follower capable of getting things done behind the scenes.
  • persons case, women got more rights

    persons case, women got more rights
    women could no longer be denied rights based on a narrow interpretation of the law.
  • Hitler passes the Enabling Act

    Hitler passes the Enabling Act
    President Paul von Hindenburg signed the act stated that it was to last four years unless renewed by the Reichstag, which occurred twice. The Enabling Act gave Hitler plenary powers.
  • Vietnam War ends, demonstrating the failure of containment and the Domino Theory

    Vietnam War ends, demonstrating the failure of containment and the Domino Theory
  • START is signed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons being created as a form of deterrence

    START is signed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons being created as a form of deterrence
  • World War 2 ends

    World War 2 ends
    Germany surrenders to Allies
  • Truman establishes the Marshall Plan to contain communist expansion

    Truman establishes the Marshall Plan to contain communist expansion
  • Berlin blockade and consequent airlift increases tensions

    Berlin blockade and consequent airlift increases tensions
  • Creation of the Warsaw Pact as a response to NATO through collective security

    Creation of the Warsaw Pact as a response to NATO through collective security
  • Creation of NATO to deter any aggression from the Soviet bloc

    Creation of NATO to deter any aggression from the Soviet bloc
  • Korean War begins after the USSR fails to show up for a veto in the UN, starting the first proxy war

    Korean War begins after the USSR fails to show up for a veto in the UN, starting the first proxy war
  • Khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence

    Khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence
  • Khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence

    Khrushchev calls for peaceful co-existence
  • The Hungarian Uprising demonstrates that the Warsaw Pact is not ideologically unified, but this liberation movement is crushed by Warsaw Pact forces

    The Hungarian Uprising demonstrates that the Warsaw Pact is not ideologically unified, but this liberation movement is crushed by Warsaw Pact forces
  • Cuban Missile Crisis almost leads to a nuclear war between the superpowers due to brinkmanship

    Cuban Missile Crisis almost leads to a nuclear war between the superpowers due to brinkmanship
  • Berlin Wall is built to prevent further Western expansion in the region

    Berlin Wall is built to prevent further Western expansion in the region
  • First Nations are given suffrage

    First Nations are given suffrage
    they are able to own land and vote, and are treated more like normal people.
  • The Prague Spring ends when the Soviet Union invades, followed by the Brezhnev Doctrine

    The Prague Spring ends when the Soviet Union invades, followed by the Brezhnev Doctrine
  • The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty is signed

    The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty is signed
  • Helsinki Accords provide a degree of détente during the Cold War

    Helsinki Accords provide a degree of détente during the Cold War
  • Helsinki Accords provide a degree of détente during the Cold War

    Helsinki Accords provide a degree of détente during the Cold War
  • Soweto Uprising in South Africia

    Soweto Uprising in South Africia
    Events that triggered the uprising can be traced back to policies of the Apartheid government that resulted in the introduction of the Bantu Education Act
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan leads to an increase of hostilities

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan leads  to an increase of hostilities
  • Solidarity trade union organizes the pro-democracy movement in Poland

    Solidarity trade union organizes the pro-democracy movement in Poland
  • reform party of canada

    reform party of canada
    right winged party in canada. Reform rapidly gained momentum in western Canada, and successfully supplanted the PCs as the largest party in Western Canada after the 1993 election.
  • Berlin Wall is torn down, a year later Germany is reunified

    Berlin Wall is torn down, a year later Germany is reunified
  • The Warsaw Pact is dissolved, with some members seeking to join NATO

    The Warsaw Pact is dissolved, with some members seeking to join NATO
  • The Soviet Union ceases to exist, effectively ending the Cold War

    The Soviet Union ceases to exist, effectively ending the Cold War
  • the referendum on the charlottetown accord

    the referendum on the charlottetown accord
  • George W. Bush wins first term as president

    George W. Bush wins first term as president
    took office following a very close victory over Democratic incumbent Vice President Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election.
  • president Mugabe blames Uk for cholera outbreak

    president Mugabe blames Uk for cholera outbreak
    The large scale and severity of the outbreak has been attributed to poor sanitation, limited access to healthcare, and insufficient healthcare infrastructure throughout Zimbabwe.
  • bill c-16

    bill c-16
    This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.