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  • indian act

    indian act
    The act aimed to assimilate the first nations people. It defined how they had to conduct their affairs, such as band elections even tho they had their own way to govern themselves. It also restricted their right to move freely in some points in history. At the time until 1960 it required them to give up their legal identity and their treaty rights to gain the right to vote. From the force of the first nations the government had to revise the act multiple times, the ac is still in place today.
  • treaty 6

    treaty 6
    it was the sixth treaty that was signed when they were making the treaties. it is one of the 11 signed treaties. this treaty is an agreement between the crown and the Dene, Cree, Nakota Sioux, and Saultiex. When the british wanted to make treaties in canada they gave the canadian government the power of them, ever since the first treaties the first nations poepl have felt that the officials have not complied with those treaties.
  • treaty 7

    treaty 7
    treaty seven is an agreement between the crown and multiple first nations band governments such as the Blackfoot. the idea for making these treaties for the Blackfoot lands was Blackfoot chief crowfoot by John McDonald. The government wanted this treaty to take place because they wanted to build a railway across Canada. this treaty covers southern Alberta and goes into Saskatchewan
  • treaty 8

    treaty 8
    the treaty 8 land was sighned by representatives of teh crown and various first nations of lesser slave lake. treaty eight is part of northern alberta, northwestern saskatchewan, and the southwestern portion of the north west territories. treaty eight has twenty four nations where treaty six has fifty and treaty seven has only five.
  • emergencies act

    emergencies act
    Its an act that takes special temporary measure to ensure safety and security in national emergencies. The only way to put this act in place is if it cant be dealt with by the territories or provinces. There are 4 types of emergencies to put this act in place. 1) a public welfare emergency. 2) a public order emergency. 3) an international emergency. 4) a war emergency. The act can be invoked to the federal government when the provincial or territorial tools are insufficient.