Social Time-Line

By jude06
  • Plains of Abraham

    Plains of Abraham
    This was seen as one of the most successful wars that Canada was involved in. It's why today, we are still kind of connected to Britain. We have a backstory for why we are involved with them and this is the story.
  • Signing of the Constitution

    Signing of the Constitution
    One of the biggest things that the American Constitution helped with was slavery. it helped the slaves at this time to be free and to have rights. the constitution just helped with human rights in general.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a big step in the journey to Nationalism. This caused the classes to end. people were seen as more equal than before. Women also gained more rights.
  • WW1

    WW1 is seen as a forgotten war. Not everyone knows what ww1 was really about. this lead to some allies and some grudges. it was bloody and terrible. so many people died terrible deaths and are forgotten about.
  • Defeating Napolion

    Defeating Napolion
    Defeating Napoleon was a big step for Europe. it was a sign of peace. Napoleon had made Europe great again but then he took it too far. so after many years of a terrible life, peace was coming back again.
  • Unification of Italy & Germany

    Unification of Italy & Germany
    the unifying was to protect them both. they used each other to be safe and keep their beliefs and religion. they made each other stronger and more protected. this helped with their national identity by keeping it safe.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The great depression was really bad for everyone involved. apparently 1 out of 4 workers was unemployed. So many Americans lost their homes and their life savings because of bank failures. This however has helped America to be in the high power that it is in now.
  • Remembrance Day

    Remembrance Day
    Remembrance Day is a national holiday that brings Canadians together. Everyone feels pride when the poppy is everywhere. There's a feeling of national pride and that is what Remembrance Day is about.
  • Begining of WW2

    Begining of WW2
    The beginning of ww2 was a bittersweet moment. no war is good, nobody wants war. but it was good that something was being done about the whole Hitler situation. many people died in terrible ways but in the end, it turned out for the better.
  • America abondoning Isolationalism

    America abondoning Isolationalism
    This was a big moment in history. Until this, America has just been minding its own business. Now, the U.S. was leaving this mindset of 'not our problem' and helping those who need help.
  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    The end of ww2 was great. the Jews were free to be who they were without being killed. the Jews came out of it so much stronger in some ways. the german soldiers were now the ones being killed and people felt it was justified. for the most part, the world was happy.
  • Canadian Humann Rights Act

    Canadian Humann Rights Act
    There's not much to be said except that this was a big thing. people got more equal treatment. More rights and respect were shown. It brought together Canadians and equal people.
  • OKA

    This was a moment where the indigenous peoples stood up for what they believed and for what they wanted. The Canadians and everyone else realized how strongly they felt about their religions and faith.
  • Appoligizing to Indigenous

    Appoligizing to Indigenous
    This was a big deal for Canadians and the Indigenous. The trauma and years of silence were gone and the healing journey was beginning. So the bonds of Canada were getting tighter and closer.
  • Ukrain v.s. Russia

    Ukrain v.s. Russia
    Ukraine and Russia are at war right now. Russia is wanting to have control of Ukraine's land. this is either going to make Ukraine gone or make them stronger. it already has in some way, Ukrainians are closer in spirit, and they feel more national similarities.