
Social Summative Assesment

  • 250,000 BCE

    Phaleolitic Age

    Phaleolitic Age
    actually theres no exact location because in the paleolithic age the groups of people were nomads in the paleolitic age the people created lots of weapons they believed on souls and gods and they used to draw on the caves the passed through. this was 2.5 million years ago
  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic age

    Neolithic age
    on the neolithic age the humans start to plant and grow their own food this allowed them to stop being nomads and start building cities and they also started domesticating animals this age started on the fertile crescent and they still believed in gods and they started making houses. 10.000 before christ
  • 4000 BCE


    Mesopotamia is in iraq is between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Mesopotamia the religion was polytheistic and they had many main gods such as ea and anu in Mesopotamia lots of things were discovered such as the mathematics the wheel or the writing advances that we nowadays use there were king prestecces and slaves. they used metallurgy and they recorded their language by writing
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt Civilization

    Egypt Civilization
    this civilization was located on egypt and they believed in many gods such as a the god of the sun: Ra also they thought the cats were very powerful gods They created amazing pyramides and black ink they had an social organizations that includes pharaos government officials soldiers and many others their main activities where cultivating and also constructing they recorded their language in hieroglyphs drawings that could tell a story
  • 3000 BCE

    indian civilization

    indian civilization
    this civilization was located on india there religions were Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. their innovations were Weighing scale and Plastic surgery Societal hierarchy is evident in caste groups amongst individuals and in family and kinship groups they used they used to write in the walls with their own languege
  • 1600 BCE

    Chinese Civilization

    Chinese Civilization
    this civilization was located in china this were there religions Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism this were considered the three pilars of ancient Chinese society their 2 main civilizations were paper and suspension bridges Dynasty there were four classes landlord peasant craftsmen and merchant their main activities were music that was very important for them and also board games such as go as they invented paper they write there and there is where investigators take information from.