Social Studies unit #5

  • Period: 1947 BCE to 1992 BCE

    US “containment” policy is the key strategy in the Cold War

  • 1945 BCE

    The war ended in Europe

  • 1945 BCE

    Colorized photo of US Marines raising the U.S. flag on Mount Suribachi, Battle of Iwo Jima

  • 1945 BCE

    Testing the Bomb, “Trinity”

  • 1945 BCE

    meeting was held with Stimson (Sec. of War), James Byrnes (Sec. of state), and scientific advisers held by Dr. Robert Oppenheim

  • Period: 1945 BCE to 1950 BCE

    US played major part in occupying Germany

  • 1944 BCE

    France was not invaded until

  • 1944 BCE

    as the Red Army approached, Polish “liberation forces” rose up against the German occupation forces – but Stalin halted his troops and let the German army destroy Warsaw on purpose. In 1945 Stalin installed a communist government in Poland.

  • 1944 BCE

    Despite Hitler’s commitment of his heaviest armor in the east, Russian forces shattered German forces in the summer

  • 1944 BCE

    American returned to the Philippines after “Island Hopping” our way there.

  • 1942 BCE

    the Nazis employed their knowledge of poison gas to speed up the murder of some 5 million Jews in special death camps, like Auschwitz (entrance to the Auschwitz camp still exists at the memorial site in Poland).

  • 1942 BCE

    Russia began demanding a “second front” from Britain

  • 1942 BCE

    Battle of Midway

  • 1942 BCE

    the Japanese were gaining land all over Pacific Ocean.

  • 1942 BCE

    Americans win first major LAND victory on the island of Guadalcanal.

  • 1942 BCE

    Doolittle’s Raid on Tokyo

  • 1942 BCE

    Battle of the Coral Sea

  • 1942 BCE

    Battle of Guadalcanal

  • 1941 BCE

    When the Germans invaded Russia

  • 1941 BCE

    The U.S. joined World War II

  • 1941 BCE

    Japan attacks various Pacific locations

  • 1941 BCE

    Pearl Harbor

  • 1941 BCE

    Battle of the Philippines

  • Period: 1941 BCE to 1942 BCE

    Einsatzgruppen (“special action squads) murdered over 1 million Jews, communist party members and other “undesirables” in Russia from the summer

  • 1940 BCE

    the German armies defeated France in 6 weeks and forced the British to evacuate their troops from Belgium. The U.S. feared Britain would quickly sign a treaty that would give Hitler control of Europe.

  • Period: 1940 BCE to 1945 BCE

    over a million homes in Britain were damaged by bombs and rockets. 20,000 London citizens died in the war.

  • 1939 BCE

    “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” -Adolf Hitler

  • 1938 BCE

    war broke out between Japan and the Soviet Union in what were known as the Soviet-Japanese Border Wars.

  • 1938 BCE

    Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia cede the Sudetenland to Germany. He claimed that the German population living there was being mistreated.

  • 1937 BCE

    The same year, Japan began to attack China, with full-scale war breaking out

  • 1934 BCE

    Hitler’s cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency to him (rather than holding elections).

  • 1934 BCE

    They had over five million members in the organization.

  • 1933 BCE

    election, the Reichstag (parliament) was burned to the ground. The president of Germany granted the Nazi Party the power to quash any political opposition, and they intimidated and arrested socialist and communist party members.

  • 1933 BCE

    Hitler proposed the Enabling Act, which would essentially give him a dictatorship – and it passed!

  • 1933 BCE

    Hitler exploited people’s fear of a communist takeover in Germany to rise to power

  • 1932 BCE

    The Nazi Party was the biggest political party and held 230 seats.

  • 1931 BCE

    Japan invaded Manchuria for raw materials.

  • 1925 BCE

    Germany told Americans to stay off British ship, as they would sink them.

  • 1925 BCE

    Hitler wrote Mein Kampf

  • Period: 1925 BCE to 1934 BCE

    The book sold/distributed 10 million copies

  • 1923 BCE

    nearly the entire population of Armenians in Turkey had been extinguished

  • 1923 BCE

    Beer Hall Putsch

  • 1923 BCE

    Hitler assumed leadership

  • 1919 BCE

    Hitler helped form the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) in

  • 1918 BCE

    The Sedition Act

  • 1917 BCE

    Germany announced "unlimited submarine warfare" in the war zone.

  • 1917 BCE

    New York Journal

  • 1917 BCE

    Russia left the war after its communist revolution

  • 1917 BCE

    Calling for a Communist revolution, anti-Tsarist protesters gather outside the Winter Palace in Petrograd, Russia

  • 1917 BCE

    The Espionage Act

  • 1915 BCE

    250 Armenian community

  • 1915 BCE

    1,000,000 Armenians had died

  • 1915 BCE

    2+ million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire

  • Period: 1915 BCE to 1923 BCE

    The Armenian Genocide

  • 1914 BCE

    The Great Wall.

  • 1914 BCE

    Young Turks join WWI on the side of Germany and are defeated

  • Period: 1914 BCE to 1918 BCE

    War involved over 30 different countries due to allies treaties.

  • 1908 BCE

    Young Turk government

  • 1908 BCE

    Hitler began a movement based on the fictional narrative that Germans were the master race.

  • 1889 BCE

    Hitler was born

  • 1823 BCE

    The Monroe Doctrine

  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1700 BCE

    Height of power

  • 1453 BCE

    Became a larger empire after the conquest of Constantinople

  • 1299 BCE

    The Ottoman Empire was founded in

  • 1500

    Armenia was taken over by the Ottomans