Social Studies timeline

  • The Virginia Company

    The Virginia Company
    A group of businessmen started a new company called the Virginia Company.
  • Jamestown

    The Virginia Company sent 120 colonists to Virginia. And they established Jamestown.
  • Growing Tobacco

    Growing Tobacco
    John Rolfe grew a crop of tobacco.
  • The Pilgrims Arival

    The Pilgrims Arival
    The pilgrims were in Cape Cod looking for religious freedom.
  • Going to North America

    Going to North America
    The Mayflower set sail to North America
  • The First Fire Company

     The First Fire Company
    Benjamin Franklin created the first fire company.
  • Slavery Was Introduced

    Slavery Was Introduced
    Slavery was made legal in al of the 13 colonies
  • Slaves

    There were more than 200,000 slaves in the Colonies.
  • Sailing to Rhode Island

    Sailing to Rhode Island
    Many ships sailed to Rhode Island
  • An Increase Of Population

    An Increase Of Population
    The Population increased by 2,418,000