social studies time line

  • Sep 3, 1475

    crossing the Isthmus of Panama.

    crossing the Isthmus of Panama.
    He crossed tne Isthmus of Panama to get to the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Jul 14, 1485


    He was the first European to see the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean (in 1513)
  • Jan 1, 1509

    Balboa and his dog

    Balboa and his dog
    Balboa and his dog Leoncico stowed away on a boat going from Santo Domingo to San Sebastian.
  • Sep 8, 1511


    He founded a colony.
  • Sep 8, 1513

    getting married

    getting married
    Balboa married the daughter of Careta, the local Indian chief. Soon after, in 1513, he sailed with hundreds of Spaniards and Indians across the Gulf of Uraba to the Darien Peninsula.
  • Sep 8, 1513

    dense rainforests

    dense rainforests
    Balboa headed an overland expedition west through very dense rainforests.
  • Sep 8, 1519

    killed indens

    killed indens
    Along the way they fought many local Indians and destroyed one Indian village, killing hundreds of Indians
  • Sep 8, 1567


    Soon after, in 1513, he sailed with hundreds of Spaniards and Indians across the Gulf of Uraba to the Darien Peninsula.
  • Map of Vasco Nunez de Balboa where he went.

    Map of Vasco Nunez de Balboa where he went.
  • first eurpon

    first eurpon
    was the first European to see the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean (in September 1513, from a peak in Darién, Panama)