World War 1 Begins
Outbreak of WWI A Serbian Nationalist group called the "Black Hand" assassinated the heir to Austria-Hungary's throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. The Austria-Hungary gov't blamed the Serbian gov't for the death of the Archduke and his wife. -
Germany invades Belgium
Invasion of Belgium Germany invaded Belgium, violating the country's neutrality. Germany invaded Belgium as a shortcut to France. The Germans wanted to take Paris by going around their fortifications. -
The Battle of Tannenberg
<ahref='http://http://www.firstworldwar.com/battles/tannenberg.htm' >The Battle of Tannenburg</a> This battle took place between the Germans and the Russians. The Germans won a decisive victory at the early stages of the war. The battle lasted a total of 4 days. 350 thousand Russian forces engaged the Germans and 1/3 of the Russian forces were killed or captured. The rest of the Russians fled. -
Battle of Dogger Bank
<ahref='http://http://www.firstworldwar.com/battles/doggerbank.htm' >The Battle of Dogger Bank</a> A battle between the Germans and the British. It was a naval battle between them. The Germans won the battle. -
German naval blockade
Naval Blockade Germany institutes a naval blockade against England. They consider any ship that approaches England a threat. This protocol led to the sinking of the Lusitania. -
The Sinking of the Lusitania
Lusitania The unrestricted German submarine warfare led to the sinking of the Lusitania. The unprovoked attack led to U.S outrage against the Germans. The attack killed 1,198 civilians die, including 128 Americans. -
The Battle of Verdun
Battle of Verdun This battle was the longest f the war lasting 9 months. The battle ended on December 18, 1916. There were over 1 million casualties over the course of the battle. 300 thousand were killed and 750 thousand were wounded. -
The Battle of Somme
<ahref='http://http://www.firstworldwar.com/battles/somme.htm' >Battle of Somme</a> The battle lasted until November 18 of that year. There were an estimated 1 million casualties. The battle was the introduction of the tank to warfare. -
Woodrow Wilson vows to keep U.S out of WW1
Woodrow Wilson President Woodrow Wilson is re-elcted Preident as he vows to keep the United States out of the First World War. The majority of U.S citizens did not want to go to war at the time. -
The Zimmerman Telegram is intercepted
<ahref='http://http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/zimmermann/' >Zimmerman Telegram</a> The British intercept and decode a telegram sent by the Germans to Mexico. This telegram is what many believe to have been the final straw in entering the war. A little under 4 months after this event, war is declared on Germany and her allies. The telegram was meant to bring Mexico into the war by promising them the land they had lost to the U.S and financial support. -
Woodrow Wilson learns of the Zimmerman Telegram
Learning of the Zimmerman Telegram The British gives a U.S Ambassador a copy of the telegram. On March 1st, the telegram is published on the front of newspapers across the country. When people learned of the authenticity of the document, the opinions quickly changed against Germany and led to the entrance of the U.S into WW1. -
French soldiers go on strike
<ahref='http://http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/mutiny_french_army.htm' >Mutiny of the French Army</a> Almost 500 thousand French soldiers go on strike. They refuse to continue to fight the offensive that had been failing numerous times. The strike lasted until June of the same year. -
United States enters the war
U.S enters WWI On April 6, 1917, Preaident Woodrow Wilson called upon Congress for a Decleration of War against Germany. The U.S entered the war after the Zimmerman Telegram The Telegram was from the Presidetn of Germany to the President of Mexico. The German President wanted Mexico to enter the war against the United States -
Selective Service Act
Selective Service Act The U.S government institutes the draft on male citizens. The draft required all men aged 21-30 to enlist in the military. Over 10 million men were drafted in response to the act. -
U.S soldiers arrive in Europe
Soldiers arrive U.S soldiers lands in France. The soldiers were the beginning of the end for the Germans. The U.S soldiers replaced the tired and fatigued Allie troops. -
Influenza waves begin to appear
Influenza 2 waves of influenza struck in 1918 and 1919. Influenza killed more people than the war did. It killed roughly 50 million people. -
Woodrow Wilson outlines his 14 Points
Wilson's 14 Points to Peace Woodrow Wilson outlines his 14 points to peace to Congress. The gov't did not join the League of Nations. Wilson was trying to use his points to avoid another world war. -
Tsar Nicholas II assassinated
<ahref='http://http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/nicholas.htm' >Assassination</a> The former Tsar Nicholas II is assassinated. His family is also murdered along with the members of the entourage. The assassination is carried out by the Bolsheviks. -
Germany signs an armistice
Armistice The war ends when the Germans sign an armistice. This ends the war after 4 years of fighting. The war racked up a total of 37 million casualties. Including 16 million killed and 21. -
President Wilson goes to the Paris Peace Conference
Treaty of Versailles The Conference was held to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles. The main powers at the conference were Great Britian, France, Italy and the United States. Germany was largely unrepresented at the conference.