King Charles I was born
King Charles I married Henrietta Maria
The marriage was not popular because she was a catholic -
Parliament Dismissed
Parliament recalled
Petion of Right
It protected subjects from further taxation -
Charles arrests 9 MPs for no apparent reason
THis action of his made him even more unpopular -
Period: to
Ship Money
Short Parliament
Long Parliament
Grand Remonstrance
It listed parliaments grievances against the king since his reign began -
Royalist Victories at Braddock Down and Nantwich
Charles imprisoned
Putney debates
Charles escaped imprisionment
Charles recaptured
Rump Parliament
It gave parliament the right to make new Acts without the King's approval -
Trialn of King Charles began
Execution of KIng Charles
Edinburgh suurenders to Cromwell
Charles II crowned King of Scots at Scone
Charles escapes to France
Period: to
The Protectorate under Oliver Cromwell
The Rump Parliament is disbanded by Oliver Cromwell
OLiver Cromwell declines the crown of England
Death of Oliver Cromwell
Richard Cromwell claimed sucessor of Oliver Cromwell
Charles II proclaimed KIng of England
Coranation of Charles II at Westminister Abbey
The Fire of London was extinguished after two days.
The steam engine is invented
By Thomas Newcomen -
The seed drill was invented by Jethro Tull
This was a critical point of the agricultural revolution which freed labour from the fields and lowered crop prices. -
Seven years war
This compounded the debt situation -
The first Canal Act was passed by the British Parliament
George III becomes King of England
Treaty of Paris signed
Canada est of Missisipi river is now part of the British Empire. -
The spinning Jenny is invented
Sugar act
doubling duties on foreign goods -
Boston merchants boycott British luxury goods
Stamp act
Stamp Act repealed
Boston colonists are encouraged to arm themselves
British trrops arrive in Boston
They come to Boston to enforce custom laws -
James Watt improves the steam engine
Napoleon was born
Boston Massacre
Four workers shot by British troops in Boston -
The Tea Act
Claiming a tax on all Tea -
Boston Tea Party
A group of colonists boarded a British ship that had tons of tea and dumped all of the tea into the harbour -
The Boston Port Act
Quebec Act
established a centrilized government in Canada controlled by the British -
Shots fired at Lexington and Concord
George Washington takes command of the Continental Army -
Louis XVI becomes King
Battle of Bunker Hill
American Revoloution gains support from King Louis XVI
Thomas Jefferson presents the United States Declaration of Independance
British arrive in New York
with many soldiers ready to crush the rebellion -
Members of Congress sign Declaration of Independance
American victory at Battle of Saratoga
France signs a treaty with the United States
The American Revoloution becomes a World War -
Congress approves of a peace plan
which means independance and Britains evacuation from America -
American victory at Yorktown
British Army surrenders at Yorktown
This was a devestating defeat for the British -
English Parliament votes against further war in America
British Parliament empowers King George to negotiate peace
The treaty of Paris is signed by the United States and Britain
Treat of Paris is ratified by Congress
In doing this the American Revolutionary War officially ends -
Napoleon enters Royal Military College
Graduates military school
Graduates a second lieutenant -
Tennis Court Oath
National Assembly declares itself Constituent
Bastille Stormed
By a Paris mob -
Great Fear
National Assembly decrees abolition of feudilism
Declaration of the Rights of Man
King Louis leaves Versaille
King Louis is brought from Versaille to Tullieres palace in Paris -
Removal of civil disabilities against Jews
Period: to
food riots in Paris
Black citizens of French colonies are granted equal rights
King flees to Austria
Gets caught at Varennes -
Elections are held
National assembly issues Constitution -
King accepts Constitution
King vetoes ruling on emigre
This yet again showing how much poweer the king has -
France declares war on Austria and Prussia
Kings trial begins
King Louis XVI executed
Reign of Terror begins
Maximum price of bread imposed
The siege of Troulon
Napoleon is promoted to Brigardier General -
Marie-Antoinette tried and executed
Festival of Liberty and Reason
Robespierre becomes virtually the dictator
Danton is executed
Napoleon marries Josephine
Napoleon survives bomb plot
The first electric battery capable of mass production was designed by William Cruickshank
was designed by William Cruickshank -
The Napoleonic code is established
Napoleon becomes Emperor
New constitution creates an imperial monarchy -
Napoleoan crowned
Napoleon got crowned as Emperor by Pope Plus VII in Notre Dame Cathedral -
Continental Blockade begins
Russians defeated
The Russians were defeated at Friedland. The Treaty of Tilst was signed between Czar Alexander I of Russia and Napoleon -
Napoleon divorces Josephine
Napoleon's son is born
The population of Manchester passed 100,000.
Napoleon retreats
The Russian campaign where Napleon has to retrat for the first time and the Grand Army is destroyed -
Industrial employment overtook agricultural employment in England for the first time.
Napoleon exiled
He is exiled to the Island of Elba -
Saftey Lamp invented
Sir Humphrey Davy invented a safety lamp for miners which prevented the flame from igniting mine gases thus saving the lives of thousands of miners. -
Napoleon escapes
He gathers his old armies in the south of France and marches into Paris. -
Napoleon dies
In his home on St. Helena -
The Reform Act
concerning elections to the British Parliament gave representation to the industrial cities. -
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph
Elias Howe invents the sewing machine
Britain celebrated its industrial achievements in the Great Exhibition.
Period: to
British industrial production doubled again.
The `great stink´ of London dramatized the increasing pollution in the cities.
Alfred Nobel creates dynamite
Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone
Thomas Edison uses a light bulb to light a lamp