social studies project

  • End of French and Indian war

    The war is between the French and the British. The British ended up winning but they are now in debt. The British are taxing the colonists to get them out of debt. The colonists are mad about this because they helped the British win the war.
  • The proclamation of 1763

    The British made it illegal to settle west of the appliachian mountains. The colonists were very upset about this because they think that the British can’t control where they are living.
  • The sugar act

    The British put import tax on molasses, sugar, coffee, etc. The colonists were angry so they started protesting and smuggling.
  • Stamp act

    The stamp act required the colonists buy stamps for contracts, cards, and newspaper. The colonists were very angry about this so they decided to write a petition and boycott.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act required colonists to house British soldiers and provide food and other supplies. The colonists protested and said their rights were violated.
  • The Townshend act

    The Townshend act is the taxing of items such as tea, glass, led, paint, and paper products. The colonists said that that it was a violation of our rights and they started smuggling.
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre was a fight between the colonists and the British soldiers.
  • The tea act

    The parliament of Great Britain taxed the tea. The colonists reacted and made the Boston tea party happen.
  • The Boston Tea party

    The colonists got mad and dressed as Native Americans and dumped 90,000 lbs of tea in the Boston Harbor. The British closed the port of Boston until all the ruined tea was payed for.
  • The Intolerable acts

    The Intolerable acts were punitive laws passed by the British parliament. The colonists protested.
  • Paul Reveres Ride

    Revere tells everyone “the regulars are coming” and then he gets captured. The colonists that heard are getting ready for war.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord was the start of the revolution. When someone shot war began.