Social Studies History

  • 400

    Anglo Saxtons become a huge group

    Anglo Saxtons become a huge group
    The Anglo Saxtons becomes a group that was made from Germany . Later on they take over most of England by building large kingdoms.
  • 486

    Clovis defeats last Roman Army

    Clovis defeats the last known Roman Army, due to this he takes over Germanic Kingdoms including the Anglo Saxtons kingdoms.
  • 530

    Franks takes over land

    The franks, a known group, takes over most of Germany land, and also takes over most of Gaul land as well.
  • 732

    Charles Martel takes power

    Charles Martel takes power
    Charles takes power by uniting the Frankish lands under is rule. In 732, he led Frankish warriors to defeat a Muslim army.
  • 768

    Charlemagne takes power over Franks

    Charlemagne takes power over Franks
    Charlemagne takes power over franks, and leads a fight of Franks vs Muslims.
  • 799

    Charlemagne protects the pope

    Charlemagne protects a pope from being attacked by escorting him with guards.
  • 800

    Charlemagne becomes emperor of Rome

    Charlemagne becomes emperor of Rome
    After Charlemagne helped the pope, the pope payed his thanks by crowning him emperor of Rome.
  • 900

    Pope crowns Otto to be emporer

    The pope crowns Otto to be the emporer
  • 1066

    William gets crowned and starts hurting others

    William Duke gets crowned king of England, but for some idiotic reason his knights started to panic and started killing others for no reason. They did this because they thought someone was going to attack them. I do not know why they would of thought that, but whatever.
  • 1073

    Pope conflict of power

    The pope had a conflict with Henry IV over who had more power over the church, and who had more power in general. Henry IV actually got his power taken away during this.
  • 1122

    Concordat of Worms agreement

    After the huge conflict with the pope and Henry IV, they made something up called Concordat of Worms. This allowed the Church to give the authority to appoint bishops, and gave emperor to give fiefs land, and etc.
  • 1215

    King John signs Magna Carta

    King John signs Magna Carta
    King John signs the Magna Carta and loses most of his power of being king, therefore he can't abuse his power anymore.
  • 1291

    Crusades end

    The last Crusaders get fought, and the crusades end.
  • 1347

    The Black Death starts

    The Black Death starts
    A plague known as the Black Death starts, and kills many, and also kills almost the whole of cities.
  • 1350

    Black Death stops

    The black death later on stops out of the blue in the 1350's. Unknown why.