Marxists Revolutionaries split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Japan notifies Russia
Japan notifies Russia that in view of Russia's delaying tactics and provocative military action, Japan is ending negotiations and recalling its members from Moscow -
St Petersburg
In St Petersburg, Russia, a large demonstration of workers led by Father Gapon, march to the Winter Palace with a petition to the Tsar; troops fire on protesters in what becomes known as 'Bloody Sunday' -
Nicolas ll
Tsar Nicolas II of Russia claims right to legislate by decree and restricts the power of the Duma (Russian Parliament) -
Trois Vierges
German 69th infantry regiment enters Luxembourg on outbreak of WWI -
German sinks US ship
A German submarine sinks an unamred US merchant ship, the 'Algonquin' on the same day that US President Wilson gives executive order to arm US merchant ships -
New bolshevik government
Under Lenin suspends freedom of press (temporary) during October Revolution -
Bolsheviks become a new party
Russian Bolshevik Party becomes the Communist Party -
Soviet union to Finland
Part of Petsamo province ceded by Soviet Union to Finland -
New Policy
Lenin enacts the New Economic Policy -
Five Million Deaths
Five million people have died during two years of famine, mostly in the lower Volga