Imperialism and the Industrial Revolution
Alongside the clashing alliances between countries at the time of WWI, a large cause of rivalry in Europe was Imperialism, caused by the industrial revolution. In the years before the beginning of WWI, Germany, Great Britain, and France all needed to find foreign markets. Therefore all three of these countries were fighting for economic expansion in Africa, raising tensions. (Happening long before 1870, but thats where I put it on the timeline) -
The Three Emperors League
The Three Emperors League was an alliance between Germany Russia and Austria-Hungary. It was created by a Man named Otto von Bismark, and was created to Diplomatically isolate France. -
The Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance was an Alliance created by Bismarck. It was made between Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary and it further Isolated France. -
The Triple Entente
The Triple Entente was an informal alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain. This caused several contering / clashing alliances. Tensions began to rise, until they were eventually very high. -
Archduke Francis Ferdinand assasinated!
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, who was heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, was assasinated by a Serbian Nationalist. Germany sided with Austria-Hungary, telling them to attack Serbia. -
War declared on Serbia
One month after the assasination of Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia stated it's support of Serbia, and ordered a mobilization (readying troops for war) against Austria-Hungary. -
Everyone is Mobilizing for war.
With Austria-Hungary having declared war agains Serbia, and Russia on Serbia's side, tensions were very high. Then, on July 31 the Germans got involved by threatening war if the Russians did not demoblize. France then mobilized, deciding to act in it's own interests in the event of a war. Germany declared War on Russia and France. Britain declared War on Germany. World War I has begun. -
Canada becomes involved in WWI
As a legal subservient to Britain, Canada was automatically brought into war when Britain did, as a part of the Allied Forces. Canada did however, get to have a choice in exactly how much involvement it had. -
Canada declares War on Germany
One day after the War began, Canada declared war on Germany, standing beside Britain and the Allied Forces. A field force known as the Canadian Expeditionary Force was designed and sent to fight. Canadians, most of whom were british, believed that fighting was a duty to their motherland. Canada's involvement in the war enabled it to become more independant, and also brought together the French and English speaking populattions at they fought side by side. -
First Battle of the Marne
The first battle of the first world war was the Battle of the Marne. The vivid trench warfare of WWI had begun. -
The Christmas Truce
On Christmas day 1914, soldiers in opposing trenches would hear each other singing, and sing back. Applauding each others christmas carols. Cautiously soldiers would clamber out of their trenches, meeting and shaking hands in the middle of no-mans-land. They would exchange small things like buttons, badges and ciggarettes. It was a strange phemonenon, and was never repeated after that year. -
Germain Zeppelin air raid on England
Before this air raid the war had definitely begun, but it had not nearly reached it's full potential and full brutality.
During the air raid the Germans dropped cylanders of poisonous gas. Those who didn't escape would have their lungs burned out and dye an awful death. This event was important, because it marks the point where the war went from people joined up to fight, to somthing so much worse. The war was never the same afterwards. -
The Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun was fought from Feb 1916 to December 1916, between the German and French Armies. It was the longest battle in World War One, making it very significant.
The Germans attacked Verdun because it was a narrow stretch of Land that had historic sentiment to the French, he beleived that they would fight for it to the bitter end. The fight was long and brutal, ending when both armies could give no more. The losses on both sides are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. -
End of War
A lot happened since the battle of Verdun, but I've covered what I beleive are the biggest most significant evens, as well as Canada's involvement. World War I offically ended in Nov 11th 1918. Nov 11th has since been celebrated as Remebrance Day. The war did not officially end however, until the Signing of the Treaty of Varsailles, in 1919. -
The attitude of the Allies, going into Treaty of Versailles
After WWI had ended, Europe was devestated, and North-Eastern Europe had been reduced to rubble. Finally, the Treaty of Versailles was starting to be written, and the allies were very angry while doing so. The Allied Powers, who won the war, were in no mood to be merciful to their enemys, and the Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany almost soley for the war. "Hang the Kaiser" and "Make Germany Pay" were two very common exclaimations in the era immediately after the end of the war. -
The Treaty of Varsailles Signed, and it's main implications
The Treaty of Varsailles caused a few implications for Germany. Several peices of land were taken away from Germany and Given to countries from the Allied Powers. The League of Nations was also created. It was an international organization whose goal was to maintain world piece. This League took control of Germany's over seas colonies. Germany's Army was also reduced drastically. The most important implication however, was that Germany was forced to take full responsibility for the war. -
The Treaty of Mutual Assistance
The Treaty of Mutual Assistance was drafted in 1923, and was the League of Nations first attempt to devolop a mandate by which all conflicts could be contained and resolved. It's goal was identify the agressor of conflict, help the victum, and come to a resolution with as little conflict as possible. It was a big step forward for the league, although it's successes were minimal, and it eventually fell apart. -
The last dissarment conference.
The League of Nations held several dissarmment conferences, the last of which took place from February to July of 1932. Unfortunately, this conference failed to secure any agreement, and organized disarmament remained an unaccomplished goal, just as it had in the past. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany.
Recently, between 1929 and 1932, support for Communist and Nazi parties in Germany had incresed dramatically. These two parties both had massive support, but were unable to work together to solve the country's problems. Over time people began to fear that the Communist Party was going to take over, and the Nazi party began to gain more and more public support. In the hope of creating a stable government, the elderly President Hindenburg made Hitler the new chancelor of Germany in 1933. -
Hitler becomes the dictator of Germany
In the last few years, the Nazi Party had abolished almost all political competition. When President Hindenberg died On August 2nd, 1934, the powers of the Presidency and Chencellery (The two forms of government) were merged, and hitler became dictator of Germany. Under Hitler's rule, Germany was transformed into a totalitarian state where nearly all aspects of life were controlled by the state. -
Hitler declares support for Japan
The United States is very against Japan. Despite this, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler announces support for Japan. This played a huge role in raising tensions that eventually led to World War II. And one of the main reasons that although the States were neutral coming into WWII, they were strongly in support of Britain, and later became involved, siding with Britain. -
The Pact of Steel is formed
The pact of steel was an alliance between Germany and Itay. It's focus was on potential conflict with Britain and France. This alliance is responsible in part for the large size of WWII, although it should be noted that WWII would have probably amounted to be a huge war reguardless. -
Hitler Invades Poland
This is widely considered to be one of the main starting points of World War II. After several years of international tension surrounding Germany, Germans invaded poland on September First. Two days later Britain and France declare war on Germany. The Second World War has begun! -
The War is in Full swing
The sides were set after Germany invaded Poland, but Britain and France took little action for the first few months. Germany Began it's next innitative by attacking Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. All these nations were concoured rapidly, and Germany began to build huge power. -
The Battle of Britain
Later, in the summer of 1940, Germany continued in their efforts by launching a huge attack on Britain. It was done entirely from the air. Unfortunately for Germany, Britain's Royal Air force was very strong, and Germany didn't stand a chance. This marked the first of many military failures for Germany. -
Italy Invades Greece and North Africa
While Hitler was planning his next steps in the war effort, Italy (An Ally of Germany, see "The Pact of Steel") incaded Greece and North Africa, thus expanding the war even further. Italy Underustimated how hard this would be however, and Germany was forced to assist Italy in early 1941. -
Germany invades the Soviet Union.
Invasion of the USSR was probably Germany's single most amitions effort, and was the defining moment in their downfall. The problem is that the Soviet Union was huge! And despite the initially weak Russian Response, the brutal winters and determination of the USSR was more than the Germans could overcome. The Germans were forced out of Soviet Teriorry in 1944, but the Russians didn't stop after they left, they persued the Germans accross Europe and into Germany. -
Surprise attack on Pearl Harbor
Unexpectedly, Japanese warplanes launched a surprise attack on the US navy base located in Pearl Harbor. This launced war over the pacific, and the USA declared war on Japan the very next day. This was not a good decision on Japan's part, and it led to many battles over possesion of small islands over the pacific, and influenced America to be involved in the upcoming Normandy Invasion on Germany. -
German Desperation.
During the Second half of 1944 things had never looked worse for the Nazi Empire. Supplies were lower by the day and their enemies were closing in from the East, West, and South. There were many battles, but the end result was very clear: The Allies were winning with their larger, stronger forces and technologies. -
The Normandy Invasion
The Normandy Invasion was a notable attack on Germany by the British and American Forces. They launced what was called "The D-Day Invasion", and landed on the German occupied coast of Normandy, France. Soon Germany was forced to retreat from France, and having already retreated from the USSR, Greece, and Afica, Germany was being closed in from all sides. Things were beguinning to look very bleak for the Nazis. -
The End of Hitler
On April 20th, Hitler spent his birthday in an Underground bunker. Meanwhile Berlin was being bombed from above by the Allied forces, and attacked by Soviet tanks. On April 30th, shortly after the city fell, Hitler gave up and killed himself. All hope for the Nazis to win the war was lost, and Germany was filled with confusion. Some contunued to fight, others surrendered, some even followed Hitlers example, and killed themselves. -
The Formal Surrender of Germany
The official surrender was signed on May 7th, and by the end of the following day all fighting subsided. The war was largely condidered over, but Japan did not surrender quite yet. -
Bombs Drop on Hiroshima.
By the spring of 1945, the Allies began heavy bomb dropping on major Japanese cities such as Tokyo. Finally, in the beguinning of August, the US dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This caused huge, catastrophic devestation, and Japan, surrended only a couple days later. -
Victory over Japan Day
Finally, on August 15th, Japan surrendered. The war was official over, and the day was since called "Victory over Japan Day," or "V-J day," for short. -
League of Nations dissolved
On April 20th 1946 the League of Nations reached it's inevitable demise. It had had several successes and failues in keeping peace, but after the massive Second World War, nations began to withdraw and it was proven to be incapable of keeping world peace. After WWII, The United Nations was formed, which had a similar goal, and inherited a number of organizations founded by the League.