Missouri Compromise
The Missouri compromise was when missouri was cut in half. The south half had slavery and the top half didn't. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The fugitive slave act ment that escaping slaves could be captured again by their owners. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's cabin was a book by a southern woman. She wrote the book to tell people the real horrors that happen with slavery. The south got really upset, and said that nothing in the book was true. -
Nebraska-Kansas Act
The nebreaska-kansas act is where missouri was a slave state and nebraska and kansas got to choose if they wanted to be pro slavery or anti slavery. -
The Republican Party
The repulican party was against slavery in the west. -
James Buchanan
He was the first president to be a lifelong batchlor. -
Dred Scott Decision
The dred scott decision was a decision that dred scoot would not be a free slave and that a slave is not U.S. citizen. -
John Brown
John brown wanted to free capured slaves, so he set a plan to ambush Harpers Ferry. All of his men were killed and he was captured to be hung. -
Abraham Lihincon
Abraham Lihincon was in office when the civl war starded. -
South carolina Secession
South Carolina had to decid if they wanted slavery in the state or not, they decided to be for secession and went to the south. -
The New Nation
The confderate nation was a new nation made up of Mississippi, Flordia, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and South Carolina. The capital in the new nation was in Montgomerty Alabama, The presdent was Jefferson Davis.