Capt. James Cook's 3rd Voyage to the Pacific Northwest Sets in Motion the Era of the Pioneer - Science
Economics - While this was a British-funded voyage and attempt for Britian to advance their economic status and power, the event was so important with huge implications for America as well, that Benjamin Franklin made explicit orders to not hinder the work of Captain James Cook. James Cook did not find the passage he was looking for, but was able to tell of the geography, natural resoures, establish relations with the native people, and was able to tell of the pluthera of fur available. -
Period: to
The History of the Pacific Northwest
Small Pox Wipes out huge populations of Indians - Enviromnet
Environment - Throughout the 1780's, The Natives were being decreased in number by lack of immunity to white-man diseases. In comparison to the Black Death of Europe in the 1300's, the death rate of the Natives far surpassed that of the Europeans, pg. 40 Schwantes. -
Pacific Fur Company starts in British Claimed Area, Oregon - Technology
John Jacob Astor was a fur trader in the Great Lakes area. Upon hearing of the wealth of fur available in the Pacific Northwest, started American Fur Company. Pursuing the industry further, he established a subsidiary called Pacific Fur Company located in Oregon territory, commonly thought of as a British claim. This brought many to this area, and Fort Astor was established. Soon, droves of American pioneers would venture in his footsteps. -
War of 1812 - Economic
The war was between Britian and the United States. It was not fought in the Pacific Northwest, but had implications there. The Treaty of Ghent was signed in 1814, and allowed the Americans land that was taken from them in the Oregon territiory, (called the Columbia District), during the war. So the foothold of the Americans is secure...starting with Fort Astoria. -
Hudson Bay Company Becomes King of the PCN - Architecture
The Hudson Bay Company absorbs the North West Company of Montreal. The latter was responsible for opening large portions of the Columbia District to fur trappers, traders and others. Many labor disputes between companies caused the North West Company to be bought out. Hudson Bay Co. becomes cheif ruler due to it's longevity, economic strength, and vast knowledge of the Pacific Northwest. It has established forts, and is now endeavoring in other fields such as agriculutre,farming and fishing. -
Cheif Factor John McLoughlin is put in Charge of the Coulumbia District - Government
The Oregon Territory had not become part of the US yet. It was an open range claimed by Britian. Dr. John McLoughlin was put in charge and stationed in Fort Vancouver. He was given great power over the British/American communities there. He governed well and much of the Pacific Northwest was developed under his observation from 1824-1846 -
Hall Jackson Kelley & Indian Delegations Spurs on the Missionary Era - Enviroment
An enthusiast for claiming Oregon for the United States, he urged congress to move people and assets West. With vivid accounts of the terrain and people groups, people are inspired to move. Coupled with the Protestant revival of the day, evangelicals were surprised to see how the Flathead deformed themselves in ritual practice. A need to spread the gospel and correct this way of life was put into action. -
Whitmans Arrive and Are Welcomed to the PCN - Religion
Marcus & Narcissa Whitman, missionaries from the East, arrive to Fort Vancouver and meet Cheif Factor John McLoughlin, who is happy to have them. Later they settle at Waiilatpu. The Spaldings, other accompanying missionaries, settle 110 miles inland to Lapwai Creek. Their the Spaldings built a house and school. -
Black Sucess - Enviroment
One African American stands out above all the rest of the Pacific Northwest...George Washington Bush. He fought with Andrew Jackson and earned favor in the eyes of the American government. Because his home state of Missouri barred blacks from residence, he came to Oregon. He was able to finance his trip and purchase six wagons...He was barred from Oregon as well, and headed West to Olympia. There he settled and made was able to purchase large amounts of land. His is truly a pioneer story... -
Mormons Arrive in the PNW - Government
The Mormons arrive on a pilgrimage to find a place they can worship freely. In so doing, they settled and became self-sufficient and added to the competition of sales of needed goods for passing travelers. -
Whitman Massacre - Religion
Tensions were increasing with the rise of the white population in the Cayuse Indian lands. With the whites, came illnesses the Natives were not immune to. The Indians blamed Whitman for the deaths of their children. The Cayuses attack the mission and kill Marcus, Narcissa and 11 others. -
The Mullan Road Completed - Technology
It was a 624 mile road designed as a Northern way to the Oregon Trail for the American Military. While not used for it's original intent as a military road, it was an important trail for passage of miners, homesteaders, and merchants. -
Idaho becomes a territory - Government
Idaho becomes a territory, but can't hold onto a governor. Pictured here is William H. Wallace, appointed by Abe Lincoln as first territorial governor of Idaho.He left his postition within a few months. Idaho was known for rebel-rousing, violence and strong personalities. It was going to take a strong individual to govern them. It wouldn't be for 22 more years they would find a governor who would stay for the job. -
Ben Holladay, "The Stage Coach King" comes to Oregon - Economics
Ben Holladay had organized a fleet of stage coaches prior to coming to Oregon and was in the position to provide his stage coach services along mining camps, forts and small towns from the East to the PNW. He provided mail service along the routes as well. -
Women's Suffrage Crusade starts in the PNW - Government
Abigail Scott Duniway, the mother of female suffrage in the Pacific Northwest, starts her crusades. Her final sucess was a woman's right to vote in Oregon in 1912 -
Anti-Mormon Crusade - Religion
Led by Marshal Fred Dubois in Idaho. The Edmunds Act barred practicing polygamists from voting. This allowed him to pursue and harass Mormons. The Test Oath Act of Idaho forced people to declare under oath if they belonged to the Mormon church, whether they practiced polygamy or not. If they belonged to the church, they would be outcasted. -
Completion of Railroad Line Through the East to PNW - Technology
The completion of the first railroad going from the East to the Pacific Northwest made it possible to do business with merchants all along the route. It connected the East with the West. -
Hells Canyon Massacre - Environment
Racial tensions grew amongst white and Chinese workers. Half of the mining population in Idaho were Chinese. The Chinese were beginning to accumulate some wealth by being frugile, which enraged the white men. A band of cowboys "hacked" 31 Chinese miners to their death. This massacre is one of many racial tensions growing throughout the region. African Americans were discriminated against as well. Racial and Religious groups were outcasts in this rugged society.