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Social Reforms Progressive

By Kamyia1
  • Jacob Riis

    Jacob Riis
    Jacob Riis (1849 –1914), the city editor of the New York Tribune, author and photographer publishes "How the Other Half Lives" graphically describing the squalor of the New York slums.
  • John Spargo

    John Spargo
    John Spargo (1876–1966) published 'The Bitter Cry of the Children' on child labor conditions in the coal mines and the plight of the "breaker boys.”
  • Social Gospel

    Social Gospel
    Theologian Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918) the primary theologian of the “Social Gospel” movement publishes his book 'Christianity and the Social Crisis'.

    Ida B.Wells (1862 – 1931) an African-American journalist, suffragist and Progressive is instrumental in founding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to challenge racial discrimination.