
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Discovers North America

    It was at this point in 1492 when globalization first began.
  • 1492

    The Race To Colonize

    Right after Christopher's first expedition, many countries scrambled to colonize the Americas as quickas possible. They did this to allow them to gain resources and trade with others.
  • 1521

    How Early Globalization Affected Indigenous People

    After the great defeat of the Aztec Empire in 1521 by the Spanish. They brought disease and destruction among the Indigenous people.,disease alone killed up to 90 percent of the Indigenous. Sure, Indigenous people appreciated all of this new technology, but they were sadly forced off their tradition territories to make room for others.
  • Dividing up the world

    The European countries turned their eyes toward other countries who haven't become developed enough to stop Europe from colonizing them. Africa, India, Australia, and Americas were all greatly affected by these terrible acts. If the Indigenous people resisted against the Europeans, they would be brutalized and put into slavery. The Europeans did this because of their need to expand and earn resources and wealth for themselves.
  • How Globalization Affected Everyone

    Once European countries built there colonies, some settlers were sent back to encourage others in their home countries to move to the new colonies. Not only would this create a larger workforce in the colonies, this decrease the likelyhood of conflict in their home countries. Although, the Indigenous people didn't mcuh appreciate being pushed off their traditional land, which lead to some conflicts between them.
  • The True Beginning Of Globalization

    Many people believe that this is when globalization truly began. Living standards improved massively and non-luxury items were being shipped around the world. People switched to factory jobs to create many cheaply made man-made goods to distribute around the world.