First email sent
The first email was sent. Both computers were next to each other. -
One of the first social networks sites
Geocites was founded. The cause of that was for users to create their own cites. -
AOL Messenger
AOL insatant messanger was installed and it is popularizing. -
Computure Connections to Internet
70,000,000 computures were connected to the internet. -
Friendster is launched poineering the online connection of Real-world friends it's user-base grows to 3 million users in the first month. -
MySpace is launched. Created by an internet marketing firm, the first version was hastily coded in ust 10 days. -
Facebook is launched at Harvard College more than half of the 19,500 students signed up with in the first month. -
Twitter is launched in, San Fransisco.
6.000 accounts bye the end of 2006. -
Facebook most social network used
Facebook gets more than 200 million users. Facebook has twice as much as MySpace had. -
Facebook over taking MySpace
Facebook overtook MySpace as the leading social networking site. Myspace lost a lot of users. -
Social Media Use
25% of the world's total population uses social media, while three quaters of the onine population users one or more social networking sites.