Social Movements

  • Equality of the Sexes

    Equality of the Sexes
    The Women's Liberation Movement was a movement that swept the world off its feet. This movement started very early but really took off in the late 1960's and 70's. This group was advocating for the equality of sexes as many women at the time felt underappreciated and of lower status.
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    Timespan of Women's Liberation Movement

    The Womens Liberation lasted from the early thrities starting off with the Seneca Falls Convention all the way up to the present as many feminists are still fighting for complete equality of the sexes.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention

    The Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Convention was a key event for this groups fight for justice because this allowed the first wave of feminism to surface. Without this first wave the Women's Liberation Movement would have been drastically different or may have never even surfaced.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt's Impact

    Eleanor Roosevelt's Impact
    One key individual in this was Eleanor Roosevelt. The former first lady was not only a celebrity supporting this movement but she was also heavily involved. She realized the barriers women faced and she had enough power to truly start making changes.
  • Esther Peterson Impact

    Esther Peterson Impact
    Esther Peterson was another key individual in this movement without a doubt. Not only did she help launch the Women's Liberation Movement but she is also credited by many to be the driving force behind the equal pay movement. She was also met by many presidents to talk about gender issues and more.
  • Betty Friedan's Impact

    Betty Friedan's Impact
    Betty Friedan was such an influential women and key to the Women's Liberation movement. In 1963 Betty wrote a book that revolutionized ideas on women's role as she wrote about breaking free of traditional roles and be something more than that. Along with this she was a key founder of NOW (National Organization for Women). She also lead rallies and more.
  • I can control motherhood!

    I can control motherhood!
    In 1960 the use of birth control pills was officilly approved allowing women to make their move. The Women's Liberation Movement wanted to do more than just gain equality they also wanted to lift the labels laid on them including wives and mothers. With the birth control pill out they could now more effectively control their ability to become mothers.
  • No discrimination allowed!!!!

    No discrimination allowed!!!!
    In 1964 it was made illegal to discriminate against any person regardless of who they are. This was crucial in the Uprising of this movement because it gave women the opportunity to bring to light how unfairly they were treated compared to men.

    During this time of this movement the first manned spaceship touched down on the moon and had America victorious for the first man on the moon and the iconic moment of sinking our flag into the moon.
  • Women's Rights Ramping Up

    Women's Rights Ramping Up
    The rights demanding by this social movement were present before the 60s and 70s but this was when women really started advocating for change in society.
  • Woman Need More Pay!!!

    Woman Need More Pay!!!
    The Women's Liberation Movement was not just focused on equality of the sexes but also focused on fairer wages and standards for women in the workplace. Many of these women fought to prove that they were not just wives and mothers but also workers who needed better treatment.
  • Spike in Women's employment!!!

    Spike in Women's employment!!!
    An outcome of this social movement was a spike in women's employment and working woman. Women's employment spiked a whole 42 percent during this time which was massive! With this many women were earning jobs traditionally considered men's work or professional work. This happened all throughout the 70's!
  • President Nixon is Impeached!!!

    President Nixon is Impeached!!!
    Another crazy thing occurring during this Movement was the Impeachment of president Nixon. He was ultimately impeached for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and Contempt of Congress.
  • Equality is closer than ever before!!!

    Equality is closer than ever before!!!
    Another outcome of this movement was a better grip on equality between men and women. The gap of equality was officially closing up. This movement is still going on today as the zipper hasn't reached the end destination quite yet.