Social media trends you need to know in 2023

Social Media Trends - Will Langston

  • officially launched officially launched
    On February 4th 2004 Mark Zuckerberg officially launched one of the most successful social media apps in history. During this time I was 7 years old in 2nd grade and I wouldn't get a cell phone for another 7 years but still had a Facebook account from our family desktop computer.
  • Numa Numa Youtube Video

    Numa Numa Youtube Video
    Later in 2004 the world first viral video hit the very new platform of Youtube. This video has been parodied and replayed around the world hundreds of times and has since been referred to as the "Numa Numa" guy.
  • FarmVille Released on Facebook

    FarmVille Released on Facebook
    A few years later an iconic PC game takes the internet and its Facebook users by storm, FarmVille. A farming simulator in which you not only post about your progress through Facebook status updates but you can also have your friends look after your farm. This game was huge growing up.
  • Avatar Released in Theaters

    Avatar Released in Theaters
    On of the biggest blockbusters of 2010 was released, Avatar by James Cameron and with it came a new wave of internet memes poking fun at the blue skinned creatures. This trend of making fun of these odd looking aliens spurred a number of memes on reddit, twitter and Facebook.
  • Snapchat Released

    Snapchat Released
    Another world changing social media app Snapchat was released in 2011 changing how people communicate completely. Not only did every kid in middle school have this app, I also think that this app is one of the main reasons that face filters became so popular.
  • #PrayforParis

    On November 13th 2015 a series of coordinated Islamic terrorist attacks took place in Paris, France. Leading to the hostage heard around the world: #PrayforParis
  • The Milk Crate Challenge

    The Milk Crate Challenge
    Many remember the idiotic challenges created by the internet like the mannequin challenge where you freeze in place of the planking challenge. Well the one that sticks out most to me is the milk crate challenge in which many people got seriously hurt from trying this idiotic internet trend.