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Snapchat timeline

  • www

    The World Wide Web was made public for users to utilize.
  • Proposal

    A man named Evan Spiegel proposed Picaboo in a product design class at Stanford University.
  • Launch

    Picaboo is officially launched!
  • Picaboo gets sued

    Picaboo gets sued
    Picaboo gets sued for the name. Picaboo changes its name to Snapchat.
  • rise to fame

    rise to fame
    Snapchat quickly gains 10 Million users
  • Stories

    Snapchat makes an update to the platform and introduces stories. Now users can post an image or video on their story for all their friends to view as many times as they wish for 24 hours.
  • another offer

    another offer
    This time, Zuckerberg offer $3 Billion. He gets rejected...again.
  • offer

    Mark Zuckerberg (the owner of Facebook) attempts to buy Snapchat. After the offer was declined, Zuckerberg created Poke (which failed).
  • Video call

    Video call
    Now users can video call other users
  • user update

    user update
    It was recorded that 40% of 18 year-olds in the United States was using Snapchat...daily
  • Geofilters

    In this new update, users can now tag their location
  • Ads

    Snapchat tests ads on its platform
  • lenses

    Snapchat created Lenses. This caused Google trends to spike.
  • updates

    Snapchat released an update to the platform. This update allow users to just tap on the image received to view it. Users are no longer required to hold their finger on the screen to view content.
  • Discover

    Snapchat launches Discover, where users can see partnership content.
  • milestone

    Snapchat has reached 100 Million daily users
  • Sponsors

    McDonalds, GE, and Ted (the movie) launched the first sponsored geofilters .
  • user update

    user update
    It was recorded that 37% of Americans between the ages of 18 to 29 have a Snapchat account.
  • Bitmoji

    The company Bitstrips launches an app called Bitmoji. This app allowed users to create stickers of a customized, animated version of themselves. Snapchat recognized the potential and bought Bitstrip.
  • Spectacles

    Snapchat launches a new pair of glasses that users can take images and videos and upload them to their snapchat accounts.
  • from the White House

    from the White House
    The White House joins Snapchat
  • more competition

    more competition
    Zuckerberg buys out other popular social media platforms, one of them being Instagram. In efforts to poke back at Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook release "Stories" feature.
  • Snap Map

    Snap Map
    This feature allows users to see where other users are located
  • low blow

    low blow
    Kylie Jenner slams the Snapchat platform via Twitter. This low blow made Snapchat lose over a billion dollars in value.
  • spotlight

    This "Spotlight" feature allows users to get paid up to $1 million for their content.