Social Media & Global disruptions

  • Colin Kaepernick and Black Lives Matter

    Colin Kaepernick and Black Lives Matter
    Colin Kaepernick doesn't stand during the national anthem opening the floodgates up for the Black Lives Matter movement. This allowed for many other prominent voices to reach out over social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to talk about their feelings on racism and social injustices.
  • #MeToo

    The Me Too movement starts going public when Harvey Weinstein is accused of multiple sexual harassment cases and rape cases. This caused an avalanche of women speaking up about the sexual predators in their lives who harmed them, causing many people on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to look for support and help.
  • Climate Strike

    Climate Strike
    Young woman Greta Thunberg starts speaking out about the state of our global climate. She gains many followers who support her cause in bringing recognition to the state or our earth's climate changes. Using social media and twitter her cause spread and many people started to listen.
  • Donald Trump and TikTok

    Donald Trump and TikTok
    President Trump desired to shut down TikTok a social media site that many people participate in. This would have caused a lot of uproar from today's youth and it did cause a lot of discussions.
  • GameStops Stocks Skyrocket

    GameStops Stocks Skyrocket
    Due to Covid GameStop's stocks taking a leap. People are staying home and connecting through gaming and social sites. This is thousands of people connect over Twitter and Instagram to discuss the proceedings. Robinhood cancels accounts due to people disrupting their app.