Social Media


    One of the first social media platforms. Designed to help connect individuals of varying levels to other friends of friends for networking purposes.
  • Linkedin

    Linked in becomes the first business or career based platform for users to share their job accomplishments and network with other professionals.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is created in order for college students to network and drive school functions. Shortly after its release it is opened up to everyone not just college students.
  • Youtube

    Youtube is created for users to share video clips and compiled libraries of audio and video files. Struggles initially to find an audience and then explodes as content creators join in and begin to create original vlogs and other content.
  • Twitter

    Tweets are limited to 160 characters. It struggle initially to find an audience but quickly finds its way and allows for users to share thoughts and opinions in a short text format.
  • Instagram

    Instagram allows for users to share photos and stories worldwide. A variety of filters are introduced in order to capture the "perfect" instagram photo.
  • Snapchat

    Allows users to send photos and video that instantly disappear after the recipient has viewed them.
  • Vine

    Users can create short clips and share them for users all over the world to see.
  • Tik Tok

    Tik Tok
    Similar to Vine, users are able to create and post videos up to 60 seconds long for World wide viewership.