Social Media

  • AOL Messenger is created

    AOL Messenger is created
  • Period: to

    AOL Messenger Era ends

  • Yahoo! Messenger is created.

    Yahoo! Messenger is created.
  • LinkedIn Launches

    LinkedIn Launches
  • Myspace & Skype Launches

    Myspace & Skype Launches
  • Facebook Launches

    Facebook Launches
  • Youtube Launches.

    Youtube Launches.
  • Instagram Launches

    Instagram Launches
  • Snapchat Launches

    Snapchat Launches
  • Launch of Twitch TV.

    Launch of Twitch TV.
  • Launch of Tinder.

    Launch of Tinder.
  • Launch of Vine.

    Launch of Vine.
  • Periscope, Pintrest Launch.

    Periscope, Pintrest Launch.
  • Vine Discontinued.

    Vine Discontinued.
  • Vine 2.0

    Vine 2.0