Information about Joseph Kony, a warlord accused of abducting children to be used as child soldiers and sex slaves, trended on Twitter and Facebook after a 30 minute documentary was released -
Started after the acquittal of George Zimmerman who shot Trayvon Martin, the BLM movement focuses on violence and racism towards black people. Twitter has been the main form of social media used in this movement -
LoveWins trended on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter after the U.S. Supreme Court made gay marriage legal in all 50 states. -
During the 2016 election, social media was flooded with conversations about the presidential elections. The hashtag was mainly used on Twitter as people would share their opinions of the race and would show support for their candidate. -
Women and men started sharing experiences of sexual assault and harassment as to provide support to those who had experienced similar things. The movement was started by actress Alyssa Milano and trended mainly on Twitter but made it's way to Facebook and Instagram.