Apple Technology Company Founded
Apple is a company that has created a number of technology items, and is known today for creating smartphones, smartwatches, laptops, tablets, desktop computers, and many other items. They are also known for creating and developing their own applications like imessage and facetime which connect individuals all over the world. -
E-mailing Becomes a Reality
At this point in time e-mailing had long since been first created, but this is the most monumental year for e-mailing because it was the year that it took off, becoming used daily by more and more people -
Text Messaging First Used
Text messaging is one of the most common forms of social media today, where it allows either two or large groups of people to be in conversation even when in different places at the same time. In 1992, the first text message was sent as a test. -
Amazon First Founded
Amazon today is one of the largest online companies that sell millions of products and deliver directly to a customer's door, or allow one to stream/download music and/or movies. It was founded in 1994. -
Yahoo First Founded
Yahoo is an online website that allows individuals to communicate via email, provides users with several news outlets, entertainment sites, finance sites, as well as many more important social media outlets. -
Google First Founded
Google is the top search engine used today, but it also has created it's own platform in which to send and read emails, gmail; a place to create and save word documents, google drive; as well as many other platforms in which social media is incorporated. -
LinkedIn First Founded
LinkedIn is a website widely used by many employers and employees looking so network socially in their professional careers. It was first founded in 2009. -
MySpace First Founded
MySpace is a website create to virtually connect individuals. While not used by many today, at one point in time it was one of the most popular forms of social media. -
Skype First Founded
Skype is an application that allows individuals to video chat or voice call via a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. It was founded in 2003 and in 2011 it was bought out by Microsoft. -
Facebook First Founded
Facebook was and is the largest social media network that allows individuals to connect with others through sharing various forms of media. -
Yelp First Founded
Yelp is a website and application that allows customers of local businesses to review and/or recommend a businesses' product/service. It was first founded in 2004. -
Vimeo First Founded
Vimeo is a video uploading, viewing, and sharing website and application. It was founded in 2004. -
YouTube First Founded
YouTube is one of if not the largest video sharing website used today. One can upload, view, and share videos, as well as many others features such as liking, disliking, and commenting on another's video. It was founded in 2005. -
Twitter First Founded
Twitter is a social media website and application that allows users to share posts using up to 140 characters or less per posted "tweet", as well as uploaded pre-recorded videos from other sources. It was founded in 2006. -
Tumblr First Founded
Tumblr is a form of social media where users can create a mini-blog through sharing posts, photos, videos, links, and/or songs, as well as commenting and re-posting other's content. It was founded in2007 -
Kik Messenger First Founded
Kik is a form of social media where users can send one another instant direct messages, free of charge. It was founded in 2009. -
Pinterest First Founded
Pinterest is another form of social media where users can discover and/or upload photos, or small videos. Users save pictures to "boards", and today is commonly (but not exclusively) used when planning themed weddings, parties, bedrooms, houses, etc. It was founded in 2010. -
Instagram First Founded
Instagram is a form of social media where users can upload, edit, and share pictures and videos, as well as follow other users. It was founded in 2010. -
Snapchat First Founded
Snapchat is another form of social media where users instantly send pictures or videos to other users. The pictures and videos used to be timed, and when time was up they would automatically delete themselves, but the app has since changed through upgrades where pictures can be replayed, and are no longer timed if user wishes to do so. Snapchat was founded in 2011. -
Snapchat First Founded
Vine was a form of social media first launched in 2013 where users could share six-second long looping videos, and users could view and share others videos. Unfortunately, the app was murdered in 2016, causing an uproar, and thus will return to us soon.