Social media

  • First Date

    date when the first social media was created.
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr was first created February of 2007.
  • Period: to


    Pinterest was first created March of 2010.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat was first created September of 2011.
  • 2nd Social media to be created

    2nd Social media to be created was the Magic Marketing
  • Third Social Media Created

    Third Social Media Created
    Third Social Media Created was the Rule Of Thirds
  • Middle of social media

    Middle of social media
    Facebook was the middle of social media.Facebook has been around for along time.We still use Facebook today.
  • Period: to

    End of Social Media

    There are a lot more social media programs available that I could list. I have shown a few of the most popular ones.