Social Events

  • McCarthyism

    McCarthyism describes a period of intense anti-Communist suspicion in the United States that lasted roughly from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s.
  • National Interstate and Defense Highway Act

    This act authorized the building of highways throughout the nation.
  • SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)

    group of mostly African American ministers who worked to fight injustice through nonviolence
  • SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)

    group formed by student activists; used the sit-in as an effective method of protest
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism.
  • I have a dream speech

    A speech given by Martin Luther King, Jr. at the demonstration of freedom in 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial. It was an event related to the civil rights movement of the 1960's to unify citizens in accepting diversity and eliminating discrimination against African-Americans
  • March on Washington

    In August 1963, civil rights leaders organized a massive rally in Washington to urge passage of President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The high point came when MLK Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech to more than 200,000 marchers in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
  • Moon Landing

    Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Earth's moon along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.