Social Events 1490-1800

  • 1492


    finds a Caribbean island called Hispaniola
  • 1521


    Aztec Empire falls to Spain
  • 1528

    Alavar Nunez

    walks from Texas to Mexico
  • Colonies

    Jamestown is founded
  • Mayflower

    lands in Plymouth
  • Witch Trials begin

  • Witch Trials End

    20 dead
  • Smallpox

    Smallpox Outbreak in Boston
  • Bach

    performs St. Matthew's Passion
  • Handel

    performs Messiah
  • Ben Franklin

    key and kite experiment
  • Stamp Act

    colonists are angered that they are being taxed without representation
  • Boston Tea Party

    colonists throw tea into the Boston Harbor
  • American Revolution begins

    Fighting begins in Lexington and Concord
  • Revolution Ends

    British surrender to the Colonies
  • Mozart

    performs Don Giovanni
  • Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney receives patent for invention