1 CE
1 Years old
says "mama" and "dada"
waves goodbye
points to objects
understands simple questions: "Where is your nose?" or "What sound does a cow make?" -
1 CE
1 Year old
says "mama" and "dada"
waves goodbye
points to objects
understands simple questions: "Where is your nose?" or "What sound does a cow make?" -
2 Years old
2 Year old
-Much of their playtime will be spent imitating other people’s mannerisms and activities
-Children develop their first interests, and an increased desire for autonomy.
-They develop self-sufficient behaviour (e.g., begin to dress themselves, feed themselves, etc.)
- Your child may begin to say no, have temper tantrums, become “stubborn,” or more bossy -
3 Years old
3 Year old
- Learning to cooperate and play with other children
- They obtain a boost of confidence that they are making friends of their own
- Socially dependent and wants to do things by themselves
- Learn better with hands-on play and need time with their new friends, away from parents/caregivers
- Get bossy and defiant
4 Years old
4 Year old
-Follow simple rules in a game but will always want to win
-Start developing friendships
-Share and take turns when playing with others
-Will somewhat be aware of what is right and wrong and good or bad -behaviour
-May show preference to one or more friends
-Listen when others speak
-Express anger verbally, not physically
-Starting to become more independent
-Enjoys playing and collaborating with other children -
5 Years old
5 Year old
-Wants to be like friends
-More likely to agree with rules
-Likes to sing
-Can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe
-more independence
-sometimes demanding
-sometimes very cooperative