The Radio
The introduction of the radio gave way for the beginning of information/news to be sent through wireless communication. The first radio receiver was built in Russia by an Alexander Popov. [radio](<a href='http://www.dipity.com/ghs11/Acta_ROME/)' >Radio</a> -
People didn't have computers, mobile phones or beepers, but most people had a radio. They did not think of having those things back then. So the way people mainly stayed connected was by writting each other through mail. -
T.V Broadcast in the U.S
The first television to be invented was in 1928 by a Philo Farnsworth who shortly after created the first televised motion picture film. Charles F. Jenkins begins broadcasting the first regular telecasts designed to be received by the general public. [T.V.](<a href='http://www.dipity.com/ghs11/Acta_ROME/)' >First Broadcast in the U.S</a> -
The First Word Processing Program
A text editing program that was invented by Stephen D. Piner. It was called Colossal Typewriter, and was very expensive up to about $300. This was the first word processing program that looks similer to the computer now in days. Word Processing -
First Cell phone
People in 1973 mainly communicated by telephone, letters, or by watching T.V. When asked if they had a telephone most of the people said they had one. The cell phone back then was hard to carry everywhere, and was invented by Martin Cooper. When asked if they had a Cell phone Many did not have one [First cell phone ](<ahref='http://inventors.about.com/cs/inventorsalphabet/a/martin_cooper.htm)' >Cell phones</a> -
First "Text" Messaging
1989 by Edward Lantz the first text message was sent through a Motorola beeper. The Text message Was first used by a beeper instead of using a phone. href='<ahref='http://answers.ask.com/Business/Telecommunications/who_invented_text_messaging' >Text Messages </a>' >Messaging</a> -
The Internet was born in the U.S.
Although the Internet was created for governmental purposes around the 1950's, the first time it was released to the public was in 1992 and was strictly used for educational and governmental purposes. A few years after the creation of the internet, it automatically "sky rocketed", soon to be used by almost everyone from schools and businesses. [Internet](<a href='http://www.dipity.com/bollaaaa/Most-important-modern-media-inventions_1/)' >Internet</a> -
World wide web
The World wide web (WWW) Was invented by Sir
Tim Berners-Lee, and was created in 1993. The world wide web is not to be confused with the internet because they are not the same. -
Google is the most influential and widely spread portal/search engine in the world.The internet gave way for new ways to communicate and track information. [Google.](<a href='http://www.dipity.com/ghs11/Acta_ROME/)' -
Longer Text Message's
Nokia says it will allow for longer text messages than previous models and will also support distribution lists, meaning you can send a message. They made it so that way people can communicate More better than before. -
Myspace was the most Visited social networking site in the world. This site was mainly used to create more Social between people. There was 223 million users on myspace. -
The popular Facebook was created in 2004 and stands as one of the most, if not the most popular, social networking website. Facebook took over myspace a year after it was created, and now there are more than More than 750 million active users. [Facebook invented](<a href='http://www.dipity.com/ghs11/Acta_ROME/)' >facebook</a> -
Youtube was invented by Steve Chen. This website allowed people to Take videos and upload them on to the internet. People injoyed this new invention. <a href='Bellis, Mary. "Who Invented YouTube?." inventors about.N.p.,http://inventors.about.com/od/xyzstartinventions/a/YouTube.htm