Plessy v Ferguson
Stock Market Crash
Owning STock: buying on margin / specuation
Black Tuesday
Period: to
Great Depression
Gov't oops: Hawley-Smoot Tariff and low tax rates
Dust Bowl
Hoovervilles, Shantytowns, hobos=Unemployment
FDR - 1st Hundred Days
concentration camps
extermination camps - Aushwitz
Emergency Banking Relief Act
Relief / Welfare acts: Ag Adjustment Acts, National Ind Recover Act, etc
2nd New Deal: WPA, REA, SS Act, etc
Period: to
Nuremberg Laws
John Steinbeck, Grant Wood, Walt Disney
Period: to
Rosie the Rivetor
A. Philip Randolph and E.O. 8802 - no discrimination in defense industries
Wannsee Conference
Bracero Program
Japanese -Am Relocation
Congress of Racial Equality
Great Migration - RISE after Great Depression
victory suits, victory gardens, E Bonds, etc
Korematsu v the US
Period: to
Baby Boom
Age of computers
Period: to
Juvenile Delinquency
disposable income = purchase luxury items
Woman = Happy Homemaker
Rock n Roll
Brown v Board of Education
Polio vaccine
Rise of TV on culture: Ed Sullivan, etc
Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, Little Richard, Nat King Cole
Michael Harrington: The Other America
Urban Renewal
Termination Policy - Native Americans
Rosa Parks
Montgomery Bus Boycott = SC ruling
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
LIttle Rock Nine
Civil Rights Act of 1957
African Americans - push for equal pay as whites
Sit Ins, Freedom Riders
Birmingham Riots
War on Poverty - Johnson
Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The CounterCulture
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Watts Riots
Selma March
impact of counter cuture on fashion and art
Black Power - Stokely Carmichael
Black Panthers - Malcolm X
MLK Jr. Assassination