social assignment

  • 507 BCE

    Democracy develops in Athens, Greece

    Democracy develops in Athens, Greece
    a direct democracy was created in athens, greece where all participating citizens voted directly on issues and bills. participating citizens had to be male adults.
  • 27 BCE

    break down of the roman empire

    break down of the roman empire
    the roman senate votes to give dictatorial power to octavian(augustus), causing democracy to vanish and government to break up
  • John Locke writes two treatises of government

    John Locke writes two treatises of government
    Locke wrote two treatises of government to invite political ideas into the perspective of the government in england at the time to resolve political conflict.
  • Montesquieu writes the Spirit Of The Laws

    Montesquieu writes the Spirit Of The Laws
    montesquieu believed that the separation of powers would be beneficial to the political system. he wrote the spirit of the laws, the most effective way to promote liberty is to divide political authority in to the legislative, executive, and judicial powers.
  • Benjamin Franklin writes to James Parker about the federal organization of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois League)

    Benjamin Franklin writes to James Parker about the federal organization of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois League)
    benjamin wrote a letter that stated his inspiration to fight for independence from the british state came from the iroquois league.
  • The Continental Congress (representing the Thirteen Colonies) adopts the Declaration of Independence, starting the process of creating the US republic

    The Continental Congress (representing the Thirteen Colonies) adopts the Declaration of Independence, starting the process of creating the US republic
    The continental congress regrouped on july 1st following this day the thirteen american colonies declared there desire for independence . on july 4th the congress signed a document starting there separation from britain called the declaration of independence .
  • The nation-state of canada is created through the british north american act

    The nation-state of canada is created through the british north american act
    the bna act was made on march 29 1867. it provided for the union of three colonies, the province of canada, nova scotia and new brunswick into a federal, nation-state with a parliamentary system.
  • Canada holds first federal election to have secret ballot

    Canada holds first federal election to have secret ballot
    before secret ballot there was a lot of influence and intimidation on voters. to prevent an unfair and influenced or biased election, british columbia held the first secret ballot in Canada.
  • Lenin dies and Stalin takes over power in the USSR

    Lenin dies and Stalin takes over power in the USSR
    Once the former leader Lenin died, Stalin used his position in the communist party and his own capabilities to take over as the leader of the soviet union. like hitler he was able to gain major power to control the nation
  • persons case that determined women should have full rights

    persons case that determined women should have full rights
    was a constitutional ruling that allowed for the rights of women in government. it allowed for women to be put in the senate and the right of women to vote. was created because of of five women rights activists
  • Hitler passes the enabling act

    Hitler passes the enabling act
    Hitler passed an act that changed germany from a democracy to a dictatorship. it gave hitler absolute power to control the nation and abolished most civil liberties and gave all the power to the Reich government. many communist minded or socialist voters were kept from voting and in turn the act was passed.
  • F.N people are granted suffrage in Canada

    F.N people are granted suffrage in Canada
    First nations were given the right to vote in federal elections without losing there treaty status. This right to vote fought for for a while and eventually came into affect in 1960. aimed to make for more equality between first nations and others democratically
  • Protest against Majority tyranny

    Protest against Majority tyranny
    was a soweto uprising in south africa that aimed to protest against the majority tyranny laws that prevented black students from getting an education in their own language. as a result of this protest, some kids died.
  • Reform party of Canada is created

    Reform party of Canada is created
    Reform party was created from western canadian interest groups discontented with the status quo in federal politics as an attempt to voice western concerns.
  • The referendum on the Charlottetown Accord, which would include special rights for First Nations and Francophone Canadians, fails to pass

    The referendum on the Charlottetown Accord, which would include special rights for First Nations and Francophone Canadians, fails to pass
    The Charlottetown accord was a proposal to enhance canadians social and economic involving Quebec in government. it also gave francophone canadians and first nations an opportunity for self-government. a national referendum was set on ocrober 26, 1992. the accord was denied and failed.
  • George W. Bush wins first term as president of the United States

    George W. Bush wins first term as president of the United States
    In the 2000 election bush won the election even though he did not carry the popular vote. this was the fourth time in U.S that this happened
  • president of Zimbabwe blames UK for cholera outbreak

    president of Zimbabwe blames UK for cholera outbreak
    ZImbabwe president uses UK as a scapegoat and blames them for the problems in zimbabwe
  • The Harper gov't passes Bill C-16

    The Harper gov't passes Bill C-16
    the harper government passes Bill C-16 to recognize that all canadian citizens have the right to vote, as well as defending the transgender rights pertaining to voting.