
  • Brown V Board of Education

    As a part of education, schools could not be segregated and segregated schools would be unconstitutional.
  • Little Rock Nine

    As a result of the brown v board of education. The military had to escort African American kids to their school in which previously they were not allowed in.
  • Ride of Television

    Greatly impacted America, as Americans were able to more clearly see what was going on in the world, events and themselves in a different light.
  • 1960 Presidential Debate

    The first presidential debate on TV. It was able to show American perception of politics and how American leaders performed.
  • Bay of Pigs

    A small scandal from JFK on the involvement of the CIA in order to invade Cuba since communism was so close to us, but the plan failed.
  • I Have A Dream Speech

    Famous speech by MLK in the march toward Washington. This was a civil rights speech that left many Americans shook by his words.
  • Assassinations of 1968

    Two major civil rights activists were assassinated for their beliefs and efforts in America. MLK and Robert Kennedy