Social 9

By Babs8
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamation was a document that set the guidelines for settlement of Aboriginal territories. It was issued by King George The Third to claim British territory.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was put in place to gain loyalty from the French-speaking majority in Quebec. It ensured that Francophones in Quebec had equal rights & trial under the British Justice System. The Act became embedded in the constitution to ensure that it will be maintained in law so that the loyalty of the french Quebecois under British rule continued. The event gave the freedom of worship & restored property rights to the collective French Quebecois.
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    The Act united the three territories, Nova Scotia, & New Brunswick into a single dominion called Canada. ensured that all provinces are under the same constitution and laws to unite the provinces. The act's significance to the collective identity of Canadians is that it would lead to the creation of the Country of Canada & would unite people of different identities and make them all apart of a national group. It furthermore created a global identity that would construct & support a new country.
  • Treaty 6

    Treaty 6
    Treaty 6 is the sixth treaty signed by the First Nations and The Crown. It was signed in Fort Carlton. It included terms that had not been in the first 5 treaties.
  • North-West Resistance

    North-West Resistance
    The North West Resistance was an insurgency led by Metis & indigenous allies against the Canadian Government, which happened in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Metis fought for there land rights & for survival to stop white settlers from decimating the bison populations. The execution of the insurgency leader, Lois Riel, sparked acknowledgement of the discrimination and injustice that the Metis & other indigenous cultures in Canada faced & admitted the encroaching on their religious freedom.
  • Treaty 8

    Treaty 8
    On June 21st, 1899, a treaty was signed between the First Nations an the Queen of England. This was the eighth treaty signed and it covers approximately 840 000 kilometers squared of land.
  • Suffragettes

    Suffragettes were women activists that fought for women to have the right to vote. they fought for the freedom & equality women should have for voting and to express to inequality that women are facing. The movement would ultimately lead to the integration of the right for women to vote. This is a victory longingly needed, as it acknowledged the discrimination women face, & paved a way for equality for women to accomplish & pursue anything they so desire.
  • Internment of Ukrainian Canadians

    Internment of Ukrainian Canadians
    During WW1 from 1914-1920, more than 8500 men, + women and children (mainly Ukrainian) were placed in internment camps across Canada by the government under the war measures act. The war measures act gives the government broad powers to suspend civil liberties of people who are considered "enemy aliens." They were not seen as white and were subject to racism from a white society. The war measures act was changed to the emergencies act which covers national emergency. See R.S.C. c. 22 (4th Supp.)
  • Internment of Italian Canadians

    Internment of Italian Canadians
    In WWII, from 1940-1943, between 600-700 men were arrested and sent to internment camps by the government under the War measures Act. See R.S.C. c. 22 (4th Supp.) They were stereotyped as Mafiosi due to widespread crime portrayals. At the time they were forbidden to speak Italian or congregate in groups larger than five. As a group they were singled out as enemy aliens. They also endured public hostility in the form of slurs and vandalism. Justin Trudeau delivered a formal apology.
  • Internment of Japanese Canadians

    Internment of Japanese Canadians
    Beginning 24 of February 1942 in WWII, more than 21 000 Japanese Canadians were forcibly relocated and interned. The federal government stripped them of their property and pressured mass deportation. This fell under the War Measures Act. They were barred from voting on racial grounds, they were also used as slaves which violates human rights. The White people discriminated against the Japanese. All survivors were later paid $21 000 and were given a formal apology.
  • The Official Languages Act

    The Official Languages Act
    The Official Languages Act enacted in 1969 made English & French the federal languages of Canada. Since this law has been put into place, the french language has been recognised as a key part of Canada's heritage & culture. This enabled the respect & justice french Canadians deserved, as there needs were not met nor recognised. For people who speak french that need help, they could request a person who also spoke french, like a translator. This act emphasises the importance of French Canadians.
  • Emergency Act

    Emergency Act
    The Emergencies Act is a federal law that can be used in case of a national emergency. It was put into place instead of the War Measures Act in 1988. There are four types of emergencies that can be declared under this act: a public welfare emergency, public order emergency, an international emergency, or a war emergency. The Act was used in January against protestors protesting against Covid-19 mandates who remained for weeks. The use was justified due to blockades being considered an emergency.
  • Anti-Terrorism Act

    Anti-Terrorism Act
    Prior to 9/11, on October 15, 2001, ATA was introduced as bill C-36. The plan had four objectives: prevent terrorists from entering Canada and to protect Canadians from terrorist attacks, find tools to identify, prosecute, convict, and punish terrorists, keep Canada-U.S. border secure, work with international community to bring terrorists to justice. concluding 9/11 + other terrorist attacks, Muslims have been ostracized and harassed, some, physically assaulted.