social 8 timeline|| aztecs

  • 1325

    The Aztecs Arrived in the Valley of Mexico

    The Aztecs Arrived in the Valley of Mexico
    The Aztecs had a old legend that said their new home would have a eagle sitting on a cactus. They traveled to the valley of Mexico and saw the eagle. They also had mountains around them which was a sacred part of their religion.
  • 1345

    Tenochtitlan Established

    Tenochtitlan Established
    In the middle of this lake the aztecs saw an eagle on a cactus, their community soon grew as their technological inventions made a thriving place. Their ideas helped keep their society stable, one was an aqueduct which led water through the area, another was a chinampa, they were pieces of land made by straw, mud, and sticks which soon was used for farming land.
  • 1375

    The First Emperor

    The First Emperor
    Acamapichtli was the first emperor of Tenochtitlan, He became ruler in 1375 and reigned for 19 years.
  • 1458

    Conquering land nearby

    Conquering land nearby
    Moctezuma who took power in 1440 was a great warrior , by the early 16th century the Aztecs had come to rule over 500 small states and have over 5 million people.
  • 1519

    Cortes comes to mexico

    Cortes comes to mexico
    Cortes and his crew came to mexico and saw that there was a weird shaped land in the middle of a lake surrounded by mountains, the crew went to check it out and they were greeted kindly but cortez was planing on taking over. the aztecs ended up killing their leader for opening up and soon ended up in a war between the spanish and aztecs.
  • 1521

    The Fall of the Aztecs

    The Fall of the Aztecs
    The fall of the Aztecs started when Cortes came to the valley of Mexico. He convinced the people to overthrow their emperor. Once the emperor was dead cortes converter the people to christianity and destroyed their buildings.