Social 8

  • Banff was created

    Canada's first national park was created.
  • wild life act

    to have refugees to protect the animals

    Made the conditions better for endangered animals so they can repopulated
  • Wildlife Policy for Canada

    emphasizing the maintenance and restoration of biodiversity and ecological processes
  • The National Forest Strategy

    laid out a plan for completion of an ecological classification of forest lands, completion of a network of protected areas representative of Canada's forests, establishing forest inventories; and development of a system of national indicators of sustainable forest management
  • Migratory Birds Convention Act

    This act prevents the commercialization of migratory birds by hunting and trafficking, and allows the federal government to establish Migratory Bird Refuges in areas of importance to birds, protecting them from the threat of habitat destruction and overhunting.
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

    This act was passed to ensure that rigorous environmental assessment would be performed for projects carried out by the federal government or Crown corporations and that the assessment would include public consultation.
  • 1996 Bill C-65 introduced

    This bill, which would have been Canada's first law to protect endangered and threatened species, did not pass. Concerns over the bill included a lack of provision for species on private lands, and the fact that the bill would have given the cabinet the ability to override the recommendations of COSEWIC, allowing political issues to enter into the species designation process.
  • 1997 Canada Oceans Act

    This act recognized an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which extends for 200 nautical miles off Canadian coasts, encompassing almost five million square kilometers of ocean. Within the EEZ Canada may enforce its rights and responsibilities over exploration and exploitation of living and nonliving resources. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans may develop and implement initiatives to support sustainable development, and manage marine resources. In addition, the Minister may establish Marine Prote
  • 2000 Species at Risk Act

    This act was killed when the election call was made in October 2000. The Species at Risk Act would have not only directly protected species at risk, but also their habitat. SARA would have provided for scientific assessment of the status of species through an organization (COSEWIC) operating at arm's length from the federal government and would have applied to all lands in Canada. Responsibility for the Act would have fallen to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans for aquatic species, the Minist