Social 7 1837-1838 Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Lower Canada Rejected Pettion

    Lower Canada Rejected Pettion
    Britain decides to reject a petition formed by the reformers Parti Patriote, the Ninety-Two Resolutions. Louis Joseph Papineau now starts to rally people together against the current governement.
  • Lower Canada rebellion recieves more enemies.

    Lower Canada rebellion recieves more enemies.
    Britsin transports troops into Lower Canada from Upper Canada, leaving Upper Canada without soldiers.
  • Lower Canada Britsh attempt to arrest Patriote leders

    Lower Canada Britsh attempt to arrest Patriote leders
    The British government tries to arrest Patriote leaders, which include important leaders like Papineau. The leaders end up escaping to the country side.
  • Lower Canada rebellion wins at St. Denis

    Lower Canada rebellion wins at St. Denis
    The Patriotes defeat the British at St. Denis in a large battle boastin the rebbelions standard.
  • Lower Canada rebellion loses battle

    Lower Canada rebellion loses battle
    At Saint Charles, British troops defeat the Patriote rebels only two days after their victory at St Denis. The British troops return to St Denis and burn it.
  • Upper Canada rally together

    William Lyon Mackenzie begins to organize a rebellion in Upper Canada after hearing news of the battle of St Denis in Lower Canada.
  • Upper Canada rebellion attacks York

    A disorganized attack on York lead by rebellious leader Mackenzie, breaks up in confusion after a confrontation with fighters loyal to the government.
  • Upper Canada rebellion defeated by volunteers

    Volunteers armed by the British government quickly defeat the rebels who were rightfully allied with Mackenzie. Mackenzie then flees to the United States.
  • Lower Canada rebellion flees

    British troops cature St-Eustache from the Patriote fighters. Many important leaders,including Papineau, fled to the United States. Many Canadien settlements are burned and looted by British volunteers.
  • Upper Canada 1838 events

    Mackenie stills organizes raid on Upper Canada, from the United States. He managed to capture Navy Islands near Niagra Falls, where he declares a "Republic of Upper Canada" Each time the raids fight, volunteers and British soldiers push them back.
  • Lower Canada 1838 events

    The Patriotes based in the United states organize a second rebellion during the course of November 1838. The rebellion is quickly defeated by the British within a week, and British volunteers again attack Canadien settlements.