
By d.lee
  • Feb 19, 1519

    The begining

    The begining
    Hernan Cortes sails to Mexico from cuba
  • Apr 8, 1519

    Tlaxcalans attack the spanish

    Tlaxcalans attack the spanish
    The Tlaxcalans attack the unknow Spanish but lost many and killed few
  • Apr 12, 1519

    The Tlaxcalans join forces with the spanish

    The Tlaxcalans join forces with the spanish
    The tlaxcalans join forces with the spanish to rid the Aztecs
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Cortes and Moctezuma meet

    Cortes and Moctezuma meet
  • Nov 15, 1519

    Cortez takes Moctezuma hostage

    Cortez takes Moctezuma hostage
    Hernan cortez takes Moctezuma hostage.
  • May 1, 1520

    The Spanish massarce thousands of aztecs while preparing for their religious festival

    The Spanish massarce thousands of aztecs while preparing for their religious festival
    The Aztecs were slaughtered for not worshiping the cross
  • Jun 16, 1520

    Moctezuma dies

    Moctezuma dies
    Moctezuma wa killed
  • Jun 20, 1520

    The spanish retreat

    The spanish retreat
    The Spanish retreat after the angered Aztecs armed themselves
  • Jul 30, 1520

    The Aztecs began to die from small pox

    The Aztecs began to die from small pox
    the Aztec die from smallpox due to no immunity
  • Sep 13, 1520

    The spanish from an second attack on the now weakened Aztecs

    The spanish from an second attack on the now weakened Aztecs
    Cortes and his allies plan a second attack on the weakened Aztecs.
  • Jan 1, 1522

    Cortes becomes governor and Capital-genral of New spain

    Cortes becomes governor and Capital-genral of New spain
    The king makes Cortes Capital-genral and governor of New Spain