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Soccer generic


By Niko_S
  • 700 BCE

    Soccer history

    Soccer history
    Traced back 3,000 years from the Romans Greek and Chinese.
  • The first soccer game

    The first official soccer game was in England.
  • Women in soccer

    Women in soccer
    Soccer is one of the first sports that incorporated women when it first came out in the 1800's.
  • Soccer field

    Soccer field
    The field is called a pitch and is played on grass.The field is rectangular and must be between 100 and 130 yards long and 50 to 100 yards wide.
  • Soccer team rules

    Soccer team rules
    A soccer team can have a maximum of 11 players on the field at a time.
  • Soccer game length

    Soccer game length
    A Soccer game is 90 minutes long. The 90 minutes is divided in two 45 minute halves.