Snow the Humpback Whale

  • Snow is born!

    This whale begins her journey throughout the open waters
  • A tragedy occurs...

    While trying to cross the path of a cruise ship leaving Glacier Bay National Park, Snow (Whale 68) was struck head on by the vessel
  • Time for Mother Nature to Do Her Work

    Snow's body needed to decompose for 15 months before her bones could be soaked in the ocean and removed.
  • Time to get Snow ready

    Melissa Senac and her project partner, Kelly VandenBerg recruited Dan DenDanto, a whale-skeleton specialist, to professionally prepare Snow’s skeleton for display.
  • The Grand Opening

    Several people gathered around the display for the unveiling of Snow's skeleton. This will forever serve as a reminder to those visiting the park of the dangers that these animals face, and why the precautions that are put into place are there.