Snow Falling on Cedars

By Jr2345
  • European Settlers of Puget Sound

    European Settlers of Puget Sound
    "Settlers arrives mostly wayward souls and eccentrics who meandered off the Oregon trail"(5).
    This would lead to the majority white population of San Piedro Island.
    Image source: Unkown (
  • Native Americans of Puget sound

    Native Americans of Puget sound
    "Main Street presented to the populace Peterson's Grocery, a post office, Fisk's Hardware Center, Larsen's Pharmacy, a dime-store-with-fountain owned by a woman in Seattle, a Puget Power office” (7).
    The settlers of the Native American Land completely wiped out the culture of the Native Americans.
    Image Source: Unknown (
  • Alien land laws passed

    Alien land laws passed
    “Alien land laws are most often associated with western states' attempts to limit the presence and permanence of Japanese immigrants from 1913 through the end of World War II” (Cherstin M. Lyon). “The law said they could not own land unless they became citizens; it also said they could not become citizens so long as they were Japanese"(76).
    This shows how the laws were so heavily discriminatory towards the Japanese during the time period the book place in. Image source: Pamphlet
  • Period: to

    Snow Falling on Cedars Time Span

  • The start of World War 2

    The start of World War 2
    The start of the second world war happens with the invasion of Poland by the Nazis. image source: Richard A. Ruppert (
  • The start of military recruitment

    The start of military recruitment
    The start of military propaganda in order to recruit people for the military and for people to support the war effort.
  • The attack of Pearl Harbor

    The attack of Pearl Harbor
    "Look at my face," interrupted Hatsue. "Look at my eyes, Ishmael. My face is the face of the people who did it—don't you see what I mean? My face—it's how the Japanese look"(40).
    The quote is about how due to the attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese Americans are about to face immense discrimination from the United States due to the actions of the Empire of Japan. Image source: National Archives (
  • Manzanar Internment camp is opened

    Manzanar Internment camp is opened
    "It had been, he saw now, a war marriage, hurried into because there was no choice, and because both of them felt the rightness of it. They had not known each other more than a few months, though he had always admired her from a distance, and it seemed to him, when he thought about it, that their marriage had been meant to happen. "(43).
    Kabuo and Hatsue got married at their time at Manzanar adding to the tragedy of the situation.
    Image source: Eliot Elisofon (New York
  • Battle Tarawa

    Battle Tarawa
    "He had come home from the war and seen in his own eyes the disturbed empty reaches he'd seen in the eyes of other soldiers he'd known"(152).
    The war left many scarred who experienced it due to the number of people that died and the friends and family lost. And the life many could not come to back home. Image Source: Advanced Press (
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    "The face in the hand mirror was none other than the face he had worn since the war had caused him to look inward, and though he exerted himself to rearrange it—because this face was a burden to wear—it remained his, unalterable finally"(157).
    This quote refers to how many felt guilt for what they did during the war such as Kabuo who felt this trial is payment for what he did.
    image source: Unkown artist (
  • Dear John letter

    Dear John letter
    "I wish you the very best, Ishmael"(442).
    This made it so that Ishmael felt like he had nothing to lose when he was going off to fight in the battle of Normandy. Image source: Unkown (
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the end of the second world war. Image Source: Unknown artist (
  • Pearl Harbor Memorial

    Pearl Harbor Memorial
    "He is counting on you to act on passions best left to a war ten years ago"(424).
    This shows how the past should be behind the people of San Piedro and how the people of the Island need to come together to drop their prejudices. Image source:(