
Snickers Presentation

By rrryan
  • First Snicker Bar

    The very first SNICKERS Bar, allegedly named after a horse, was manufactured in Chicago and sold for five cents.
  • Fun Size Snickers

    Fun Size SNICKERS is created, followed by an increase in satisfaction levels worldwide.
  • Olympic Games

    SNICKERS is an official sponsor of the 1984 LA Olympic Games.
  • Ice Cream Bar

    The SNICKERS Ice Cream Bar is introduced.
  • Marathon Bar

    SNICKERS is called the Marathon Bar in the UK from 1967-1990.
  • Snicker Campaign

    The award-winning “You’re not you when you’re hungry” campaign is created.
  • Billion Sale

    SNICKERS passes $1 Billion in sales in the US.
  • Snicker Brownies

    SNICKERS Brownie flavors are born.