Img 20150807 182038   edited

SMART goal - Morgan Gustafson

  • Started goal

    I plan to save $20 every week to save up to $2,000 in two years to help buy a new used vehicel.
  • Period: to

    Buying a new used car

  • Planned timeline

    Separated the two years into my pay check week.
  • Fourth pay check

    Put $80 in my savings for this month for a total of $80.
  • My Birthday

    I might have extra money to put in to my savings.
  • Ninth pay check

    put $100 into my savings this month for a total of $180
  • Thirteenth pay check

    Put $80 in savings this for a total of $260.
  • Seventeenth pay check

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $340
  • 22nd paycheck

    Put $100 in savings for a total of $440
  • 26th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings for a total of $520
  • 30th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $600
  • 35th pay check

    Put $100 in savings this month for a total of $700
  • 39th pay check

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $780
  • 43rd paycheck

    Put $80 in svings this month for a total of $860
  • 48th paycheck

    Put $100 in savings this month for a total of $960
  • 52nd paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $1040
  • 56th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $1120
  • 61st paycheck

    Put $100 in savings this month for a total of $1220.
  • 65th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $1300
  • 69th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $1380
  • 74th paycheck

    Put $100 in savings this month for a total of $1480
  • 78th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $1560
  • 83rd paycheck

    Put $100 in savings this month for a total of $1660
  • 87th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $1740
  • 101st paycheck

    Put $80 in saving for a total of $1820
  • 106th Paycheck

    Put $100 in savings this month for a total of $1920
  • 110th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $2000
  • 114th paycheck

    Put $80 in savings this month for a total of $2080
  • 115th paycheck

    Put $20 in savings for a total of $2100
  • Finish

    Done with smart goal with over my goal at $2100 and my goal was $2000 so I above $100.