Smallpox victim


  • Edward Jenner's Breakthrough

    Edward Jenner tested the hypothesis that infection with cowpox could protect a person from smallpox infection.
  • Vaccination Reaches States

    Benjamin Waterhouse, brought the vaccination hypothesis to the states where he tested it on his kids first. After this attempt worked he tried to influence more people to take it.
  • Decrease In Mortality

    London Bill of Mortality documented a total of 18,447 deaths before the vaccination from (1791-1800), and in 1802 the numbers dropped to 7,858 documented deaths.
  • Mandatory In UK

    In 1853 The United Kingdom Vaccination Act was passed which made smallpox vaccination mandatory in the first three months of an infant's life.
  • Vaccination Law Passes

    In the U.S., Massachusetts was the first state to have a law which mandated a vaccination for schoolchildren.