Slender man

  • Feb 4, 1540

    Slenderman begins.

    Der Ritter, or “The Knight”, is the name of a 16th century woodcut dating around 1540 by German Hans Freckenberg, who disappeared in 1543. It was discovered in Halstberg Castle in 1883, and is distinctly characteristic of Freckenberg’s work, excluding his usual realistic style. While historians believe the woodcut to be symbolic of cultural actions of the time, many also interpret the skeletal Ritter to be that of the Slenderman. A second woodcut by Freckenberg-note he is taking the child
  • The faceless one lullaby.

    'Hush, thy childe, do not stray far from the path,
    or The Faceless One shall steal you away to Fairieland.
    He preys on sinful and defiant souls,
    and lurks within the woods. of ebony branches,
    and a touch as soft as silk.
    Fear The Faceless One thy childe,
    for he shall take you to a dark place.
    And what shall become of thou?
    Noone knows, so be good, thy little one-
    Alas! He is here to take thou away!'
    was created by parents to keep children away from the woods in the 18 century.
  • German gets a visit.

    Der Großmann (der Grossmann), or “The Tall Man” is a16th century German myth Der Grossmann was commonly described as a fairy of the Black Forest who stole away bad children who entered at night, and would stalk them until the child confessed their wrongdoings to a parent. A translated account from 1702 suggests that there was some truth in the tale. black forest
  • Journal found.

    an old journal, dating from about 1702:
    "My child, my Lars… he is gone. Taken, from his bed. The only thing that we found was a scrap of black clothing. It feels like cotton, but it is softer… thicker. Lars came into my bedroom yesterday, screaming at the top of his lungs that "The angel is outside!" I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me some nonsense fairy story about Der Großmann. He said he went into the groves by our village and found one of my cows dead, hanging from a tree
  • 9000 Bc Slenderman.

    The earliest argued reference to the legend is within the cave paintings found in the Serr da Capivara National Park in the Northeast of Brazil, which are believed to date from as far back as 9000 BC. These paintings show a strangely elongated character leading a child by the hand, but make no reference to the extra appendages.
  • Slenderman came?

    One of two recovered photographs from the Stirling City Library blaze. Notable for being taken the day which fourteen children vanished and for what is referred to as "The Slender Man". Deformities cited as film defects by officials. Fire at library occurred one week later. Actual photograph confiscated as evidence. 1986, photographer: Mary Thomas, missing since June 13th, 1986. after this photo was taken
  • First color pic of Slender taken.

    This is the first picture of slender man taken.
    we do not know but it could of been photon shop
    but bye the looks of it with its blur it looks real
  • Creepy Pasta and Marble Hornets.

    Marble hornets and creepypasta may sound really fimilary they both do scary thing and 1 of them has to relate with slenderman
    marble hornets did a video Ceries with slenderman
    while creepy pasta had a horror story on him.
  • Slender mans symbol.

    The Operator Symbol
    Description – A circle with an X through it. Placement and angle of the X varies. Bares a superfical resemblance to a symbol used for tensors in mathematics.
    Origins – Marble Hornets
    The original, most widely used symbol in the mythos. The true purpose and meaning of the Operator symbol remains a matter of speculation, though many series employ their own theories to it’s meaning. Some writers claim it is a simple representing the Slender Man, others claim it to be a ward.
  • Surge Victor Slenderman creator.

    The contest required participants to turn ordinary photographs into creepy-looking images through digital manipulation and then pass them on as authentic photographs on a number of paranormal forums. Something Awful users soon began sharing their faux-paranormal creations with layered images of ghosts and other anomalies, usually accompanied by a fabricated witness account to make ththem more convincing
    surge victor
  • Skrillex Equniox.

    Slender man is controlling the girl why the bad guy is being destroyed by the girl you can see the glimpse of the man and the picture of how he looks in german can you find it?
  • Minecraft has Slenderman ?

    On July 26th 2011, Notch, Minecraft’s creator, posted on his Google + account a screenshot of his game featuring new monsters that will appear in an upcoming update.] In a Reddit’s post from the same day, Notch stated that the mob’s name would be Enderman as a reference after someone, user drodeznop, coined the name “Slender Man”] An entry on the Minecraft Wiki has then been made with images featuring a clearer view of the creature. Because of the similarities in names and abilities with slender
  • Slenderman game.

    Slender man was soon turn into a game
    in 2012 the game was said to be 1 of the most scariest games
    as you a girl walking through the woods collecting 8 pages and trying to not get caught but u have to go in some scary place like the bathroom whichj is like a maze and the long dark hong way dont look back caues he will be there....
  • Slender man gets a hit

    from slender mans 20$ mode in the game
  • Slender now

    Insanity has taken over peoples minds with slender
    and is now just being known around the world that is why slenderman is scary slenderman -started of as a scary story to scare children out of woods has now just became real to some people.
  • The End.

    Thank you for looking at this time line it took me omost like 3 hours and i hope you enjoy this timeline.
  • My Slendy story.

    There i was standing in the dark forest lost. I turn the corner as the wind blows snap what who whos there! No awnser happens I keep walking slowly but steady there the sound of a demon echos through the woods i drop my flashlight scared. Bending over i pickup the flash light nothing whooo I thought he was going to be there but then i turn aroun................
    "HELP" there he is the man in the suite lacking a white plain face " go in the forest its fun they say" until now.