The Browns and the Sally

  • The Brown Family

    The Brown Family
    The is the Brown Family's first recorded involvement in slave trading, when the four brothers' father, Captain James Brown, sent s ship to Africa.
  • The Brown Family (cont.)

    The Brown Family (cont.)
    When the Borwn family's second involvement in slave trade occured, when Nicolas and John joined their Uncle Obadiah and several other Providence merchants.
  • Nicholas Brown

    Nicholas Brown
    Niclolas Brown and the Company sent three ships to meet the Caribbean. Two of those ships were to sell horses and other goods. The third ship, Sally, was to aquire slaves from the Caribbean.
  • The Arrival

    The Arrival
    Captain Hopkins and the Sally arrived in West Africa on the coast of Guinea. He made several visits to African leaders in order to develop relationships that would enable him to buy slaves.
  • The Captain's shopping spree

    The Captain's shopping spree
    Captain Hopkins bought his last slave. In all, he purchased 196 slaves, nine of whom was sold to ther traders on the coast, twenty of whom died, and at least one slave, a woman, had hung herself.
  • Time to fight back

    Time to fight back
    The slaves rose in rebellion. Hopkins and his crew suppressed the uprising by firing on the slaves, killing eight and wounding several others.
  • Sickness got the best of them

    Sickness got the best of them
    A number of Captain Hopkin's men had been reduced by sickness, he was obliged to permit some of the slaves up on Deck top assist the People.