Slavery Timeline assignment

  • Late 17th century onwards

    Spanish decree invites runaway slaves from the British Colonies to La Florida
  • 1712 Pennsylvania, “An Act to Prevent the Importation of Negroes”

  • 1712 Slave Revolt in NY

  • 1713 Privy Council overturns PA Act of 1712

  • 1732 Georgia founded (1735 bans slavery)

  • 1738

    Fort Mose constructed outside of St. Augustine Florida. Consisted of freed and runaway slaves.
  • 1739 The Stono Revolt

  • 1740 South Carolina, “The Negro Act”

  • 1741 NY Conspiracy panic & Trials over a (nonexistent) conspiracy of enslaved Africans

  • 1752 Georgia becomes Royal Colony; allows slavery