Slavery Timeline

  • Period: to

    Slavery Timeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    An agreement that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter the Union as a free state. This also divided the Louisiana Teriitory into two areas, North and South.
  • Free Soil Party

    A political party formed to voice the views of the politicians who wanted the abolishment of slavery and the new territories acquired by the United States to remain free states.
  • Compromise of 1850

    A document written by Henry Clay as an attempt to smooth out the comfrontation between the slave states and the free states.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    A novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed how evil slavcery could be. This proved new information to much of the nation.
  • Formation of Republican Party

    A political party formed by the Know-Nothing and Whig parties. Abraham Lincoln was the first successful canidate of the Republican party.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    An Act of Congress that repealed the Missouri Compromise and organized the remaining territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase to be admitted to the Union as states.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    The sequence of violent events involing pro-slavery and abolitionist elements that took place in the Kansas Territory.
  • Dredd-Scott Case

    A slave named Dred Scoot went with his master to Illinois and Minnesota, claiming this made him a free man. He ended up sueing his owner for damages and physical abuse. This led to Congress not beign able to constitutionally exclude slavery from the territories.
  • John Borwn's Raid

    Led a band of determined patriots on a mission to seize the arsenal at Harper's Ferry. They succeded but eventually John Borwn was convicted and hung for treason.
  • Election of 1860

    The elction of 1860 was a very important and pivotal election in history. The North and South continued to be against each other, fight over agriculture and slavery.