Underground railroad
The underground railroad was a group of people and places that helped runaway slaves, they often fed, clothed, and given a palce to stay for the night. I chose the date 1619 beacuse no one really knows when the Under Ground Railroad started but in 1619 dozens of escaped slaves where found or caught. -
Rev. John Rankin
John Rankin was born Feb. 4,1793 in Jefferson county, Tennesse, in 1822 he moved to Ripley,Ohio. He was an active abolonist, it is estimed he helped over 2,000 runaways. He would hang a lantern to on his flag pole to notify runaways his house was a safe haven and warm meal.Also he preached against slavery, his wife would cook and sew clothes for runaways. -
Compromise of 1820
Also known as The Missouri Compromise.
It is a two part compromise.
In this compromise Maine joined as a free state and Missouri joined as a slave state.
the 36'30' was formed saying that any South the 36'30 line was Note: i chose this date because it was the day the copromise was passed
slave and anything North was free -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
A rebellion led by a group of 60-70 slaves
They killed about 60 white
Nat Turner- the leader of the rebellion was jailed tried in court and hanged
When Nat Turner went on trial the court also decided that the planation owners would be repaid for any slaves they had lost.After the rebellion many plantation owners were scared that something similar to Nat Turner's Rebellion would happen again. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 had four main parts. First it allowed California to join the union as a free state. Second it said the voters in the terrtories would be able to decide wether or not they would be slave or free. Third it said that the slave trade was no longer allowed in Washington, D.C. Fourth was the fugative slave law that said that ANY runaway slaves must be RETURNED and that failure to do so could result in fines or jail time. -
Compromise of 1850 (continued)
jail time. Note: i chose this date because it was the day that the crompromise was passed. -
Kanas-Nebraska Act
This act angered manny in the North, beacuase of the 36' 30' line both these states should be free.The Kanas-Nebraska act allowed people in the territories to decide wether or not to be free or slave. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kanas was the summer of 1854 when riots where held about weatheer Kansas should be slave or free, there was so much blood shed in Kansas the became know as "Bleeding Kansas"
note: I chose the date jun. 1st because it when i consider summer to start -
Dred Scott vs. Standford
Dred Scott was a slave who's owners took him to a a free terriotory and brought him back thus he though he should be free. Scott sued his owner (Stanford). Scott lost 7-2 and the court said since Scott was properity so he could be taken where ever, this statement made slavery spread rapidly in the new terriorties because there was nothing the government could to stop it. Also since Scott was part of an inferoir race he had no rights and cold not sue. This event also gets rid of the Missouri Com. -
Dred Scott (continued)
note: i chose this date because this was the day Dred Scott was killed, by hanging -
election of 1860 (contined)
WAS NOT the start of the Cival War. Note: I chose Jan. 1 st or this date because I could find no clear reference of when voting actualy started in this election. -
Election of 1860
In the Presidental Election of 1860 there were four canidates, Abraham Lincoln (Rep.), John C. Breckinridge (Dem.), John Bell (Constitutional Union Party), andStephen A Douglas (Dem.). Abraham Lincoln won this election with 180 electoral votes, Also this was the first election in which there were Republicans formerly know as Whigs. Lincoln won without one single southern vote this upset the South. It angered them so much South Carolina seceded from the Union, this however WAS NOT start of the -
South Carolina secedes from the Union/attack on Fort Sumter
On April 12 th South Carolina seceded from the Union becausethey were unhappy about Abraham Lincoln becoming president. When South Carolina seceded President Lincoln gave orders for supplies to be delivered to Fort Sumter, upon avirving at the fort supply ships were not allowed to enter and the Conderates fired upon Fort Sumter thus the begging of the Civil War.